my numero uno

A little introduction: They call me Amie, that is my name. I'm 25. I was born in Alaska, raised in southern California and the casino regions of Nevada, but of all the cities I've resided, St. Louis has definitely taken the "hometown" title. Jesus Christ is my past, present, and perpetual hero. In addition to reading my posts here, you can follow me on twitter, subscribe to my personal blog and/or stalk as much of my facebook happenings as you'd like... all of which explain a little more "about me" in some way or another.

I also happen to have the honor of being the first chick to post on this blog. Wohoo!!! is how I feel inside. I've got this whole week to post until it's time for the next authoress (fancy terminology eh?).

Before I share any stories of my life on this blog, you must know that I totally agree with this statement that I once heard from a message by John C. Maxwell: People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. In honesty, when it comes down to how my life is lived, I rarely listen to other peoples' input until I sense they truly have my best interest in mind. On the flip side, I don't actually expect that people are gonna want to hear what I have to say until they know I genuinely care.

With all that said, know that any stories from my life that I post about I'll be sharing because I care about people who have gone through similar experiences or may find themselves about to. I enjoy sharing my life because I've encountered a God who has shown me that what I've claimed in the past as impossible doesn't hold true with Him.

Jesus Christ has been my numero uno for the last eight years. I would say I've been as contently single as single can be since the day I met Him, yet God has also placed within me a growing desire for marriage and a family. It's a bit crazy to me how those two things can co-exist but I've found it possible when I keep impatience out of the soil. I'll explain more of that in the posts to come as I desperately need to catch some Zzz for the night...

Going green!

Amie Fox

6 Response to "my numero uno"

  1. Martha Melody Says:

    Awesome first post!! I love that quote as well--that will always remind me of our action track this summer for some reason. I think we talked about it at one meeting and it just sticked with me.

    Way to kick it off! Good stuff!

  2. Rebekah Neely Says:

    Woohoo for the numero uno!! and for jesus cristo!! :O)

  3. Rachel Mowrey Says:

    yaaay for the first post! Looking forward to reading all the good stuff that overflows from your heart, my dear. Methinks this blog is going places!

  4. 5onfaith Says:

    Yay Amie! Congrats on the first post! I look forward to reading more!

  5. Amie Says:

    Oh friends, thank you so much for your encouraging words. Love you all!!!

  6. Missy Says:

    Thus begins the adventure!

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