The Hand of God: Part II

January 3rd, 2012:

I had spent the entire day traveling and was heading back to Missouri after spending two wonderful weeks with my family. During my plane ride, I had been journaling and questioning God about His purposes for my life... I was wrought with curiosity why He was allowing me to feel so torn between NH and MO. I was having an emotional flight to say the least!

Upon arriving in Kansas City, my friend was kind enough to pick me up at the airport and drive me back to Joplin. It was early evening and we had three hours on the quiet Missouri highways to catch up. Our ride was going smoothly and I’d even thought about remarking about just how smoothly it was going, when all of a sudden something happened. We had just gotten in the left lane and were trying to pass the semi truck next to us. All of a sudden, the car behind the semi, which was next to us, tried to cut in front of our car. There was no possible way it could fit, so my friend did what anyone would do and veered the car towards the median and eventually spun back on the road. All I remember was seeing the lights of another semi and thinking in my head, “This is really going to hurt.” (Yes I know, what a brilliant and helpful thing to be running through my head at the time). Before I knew it, the car had come to an abrupt halt off the right side of the highway. Both of us were fine. She'll tell you that she doesn't even remember what she did to keep us from hitting the other was nothing short of a miracle.

I’ve never had an experience like that in my life. There have been times where I thought I might get badly injured but never a time where I thought I could die. We could have been smashed by a semi and the car should have rolled. It is nothing but the grace of God that both of us escaped uninjured.

Now that you've heard my two stories... I want to assure you that I didn't post them just so I could talk about myself. There is a point to all of this. :)

Tune in tomorrow for Part III...

Going green,


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