More Beautiful You... Part 2

Monday I posted the song lyrics for "More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz. The reason I posted it is actually quite funny. So here's the story...

I was sitting in my parents kitchen, just thinking what I should blog about. As I looked around the room I realized many young guys from the church we're around, and I wondered what they would blog about... hmmm? So I asked them "What should I blog about, it's suppose to be directed towards christian single ladies?" The first thing one of the guys said was "well that song more beautiful you, could really speak to those girls." So I looked up the song and read the lyrics and just thought about how these guys wanted us girls to grasp this concept of being beautiful as we are. It just seemed to impact me more when it was coming from these guys who love Jesus. Rather than if it were coming from my mom or sister, but a brother.

Sometimes as girls we seek attention from guys, which can very easily turn into negative attention. The reason I bring that up is because I've noticed in my church how the single guys in our church are very good at being brotherly to the single girls in the church. And it shows immensely in us girls. We know we can trust them to be our brothers. Even though us girls need to make sure to look at them as brothers since they are looking at us as sisters, sometimes it can be easy to forget.

My brothers have played a big part in my life. They we're quick to give compliments and also to tell us to put more clothes on : ) I appreciate my brothers so much and I realize it when I see other guys being brothers to all those other single girls who need it... thanks brothers.

Going Green!


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