Real Housewives of Joplin, MO-Episode 6

Happy Saturday, everyone! Today, I'm posting the final interview in this series, featuring a dear friend of mine, Abby Clevenger. Just to recap, here are links to the previous episodes:

Real Housewife #1, Kari Nevins
Real Housewife #2, Linda Clements
Real Housewife #3, Penny Brown
Real Housewife #4, Mary Chambers
Real Housewife #5, Chris Johnson

Name: Abby Clevenger
Age: 28
Three Things We Should Know About You:
  1. I have an amazing husband and 2 silly kids that make me laugh way too much.
  2. I love to make things and be creative.
  3. I studied Fashion in school.
1. What are some of the habits you cultivated during your single years that have helped you as a married woman?

Hmmm... this is a hard one for me, since I was just a kid when I got married! I was 19 years old, so I'm not sure I cultivated many habits that helped me as a married woman at that time! However, I learned to pray, trust God, and look to Him for my needs- this has been very helpful!

2. What's one thing you have learned about men that you didn't know before you were married?

I feel I've learned many things about men that I didn't know, and I know there's still a lot to be learned! Men need to be respected, loved, praised, supported, and admired. Men want to know they are taking care of their wife. I've learned that my husband desires me to have a strong, growing relationship with God, and that he wants me to look to God for my needs. I've learned that my husband likes me to take care of our home and he likes to eat good food!

3. What does your role as your husband's helper look like?

Opening our home and being hospitable is one way I serve as my husband's helper. Being flexible, giving encouragement, and helping him with daily tasks. Being submissive, a good listener, and keeping things around the house calm and put together are also things I try to do. Most importantly, as his helper, I pray for him a lot!

4. What do you appreciate about the single women in your life?

We are really blessed in Joplin, and we have a lot of great single girls! I love the way they serve the Church and the community that they build. I appreciate their interest in my kids and for being willing to help me when I need help. I love their zeal for God and their desire to learn.

5. If you could travel back in time and talk to yourself during your single years, what would you say? What do you know now that you wish you knew then?

I think I'd tell myself to use my time more wisely, work on not being selfish, and make habits of spending time in the Word, praying, and reaching out to people. I think I'd tell myself to invest in someone younger than myself and not to obsess with who I was going to marry or date. I'd also tell myself to find someone older to look to and mentor me.

Back then, I wish I knew that it was ok to go to respected people with my problems. That I didn't have to take care of everything myself, but that it was good to confide in people.

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