Real Housewives of Joplin, MO-Episode 5

Meet Chris Johnson, Real Housewife #5! She's one of my favorite ladies at CCOJ and makes a point of investing in lots of single women at our church. Here is my interview with Chris....


Name: Chris Johnson
Age: 43
Three Things You Should Know About Me:
  1. I am blessed beyond belief! God brought me a husband who is better to me than I deserve & four beautiful, precious daughters. I am a 'country girl' at heart through & through!
  2. I love people; it's very easy for me to open my heart to others in a way that can make me feel very protective of them...rather 'mother hennish'! : / It was quite surprising for me one day when my older daughters and some friends decided to count up the number of people that I had 'adopted as my own.' There were more than I expected there to be.
  3. I love babies of all kinds, but especially the human variety! Some have nicknamed me 'the baby snatcher'! Uh-oh! Whether this is good or bad, I'm not sure...but I know it's true. : )
1. What are some of the habits you cultivated during your single years that have helped you as a married woman?

I wasn't raised in a home that placed importance on church-life or the things of God. Dave (my wonderful hubby) and I started dating when I was 17 and were married a few days after my 19th birthday. He was raised in a wonderful Christian home where he had wonderful examples of laying your life down for sake of the kingdom. I neglected to learn and to cultivate good habits as a single person, but God so graciously sent to me someone who patiently, gently, and lovingly taught me these things through his own example. I am such a lucky lady!

2. What's one thing you have learned about men that you didn't know before you were married?

I like to jokingly say, "men are predictable...not to be mistaken for easy to understand!" : ) Seriously though, men (the ones which God has placed in authority in your life) deserve your respect. They are NOT required to earn it. I know that not all of you will agree with me on this one. I also know that this isn't always easy, because we don't always agree with our husband's (or our leader's) decisions. And some of those decisions will not always be right ones. And that is OK. God has given them permission to have authority and to lead us and even to make mistakes in the process. Men thrive on having unconditional respect. They need it like we need to feel loved & cherished.

3. What does your role as your husband's helper look like?

My role as Dave's helper looks different at different times. I can (& do) have a picture in my head as to what that role should look like. But, that is not for me to decide. It is my husband's job. Dave likes for me to take care of the physical needs of our household; his needs and the everyday aspect of the training of our daughters. He wants us and our home to be open and hospitable to those around us, as well as a haven for the hurting and weary. I try to be supportive of Dave and what is important to him. So, I'm a huge fan of the Cardinals, bluegrass, biscuits & gravy, Nascar, cheese dip, and beer! Uh-hum, ok...I'm actually not a big fan of several of those things.
; )
4. What do you appreciate about the single women in your life?

There are SO MANY things I appreciate about the single women God has so graciously brought into my life and heart! (Several of them aren't single anymore though, but I'm still incredibly blessed by them.) : ) First of all, I'm consistently humbled by their passion and zeal for God and His church. And by their level of Christian maturity for their age! WOW! Anytime I hear people speaking badly of this generation, I am so eager and pleased to brag on the young adults I have been blessed to be around! One thing, though, that always blesses me is when I hear some of these young adults expressing their need for the wisdom and life experiences of older adults. (Yet, another sign of their spiritual maturity!) All of 'my girls' are amazing!!

5. If you could travel back in time & talk to yourself during your single years, what would you say? What do you know now that you wish you knew then?

This last question has probably been the most difficult one for me to answer. Parts of my childhood years weren't easy ones and over the years, I've discovered that it's not helpful for me to spend much time looking backwards with regrets and wishes of things being different. But, it is a good question, so I'll give it my best shot...I would say to myself:
  • Even though you may not have control over some things that make your life difficult...You do have control of how you will react/respond to those things.
  • With or without parental can draw close to God.
  • With or without a consistent can draw close to God.
  • In easy times & hard must draw close to God.

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