Where Do I Fit?

Hi, everyone! I’ll follow Amie’s lead and introduce myself to you, since this is my first week posting on GREEN-LIGHT Revolution. My name is Lynn Fleshman, and I live in Joplin, MO. I am currently the secretary at Christ’s Church of Joplin, and I love working and serving with my friends here. My first post is about how God has helped me see how I fit into this wonderful church family.

First, a confession: I am overly sensitive to being left out. As a single person in my late twenties, I find myself in a position that is not shared by very many other people in my church. Most people my age are married and starting families, and most of the single crowd is much younger than I am. Sometimes I feel lonely, and I’m not sure where I fit in.

One Sunday morning, this attitude had crept in and was distracting me from worship and tempting me to be ungracious with my friends. I left the church building that day with mixed emotions and a heavy heart. As I was driving home, God spoke to me and reminded me of something very important. The Church is not homogeneous. In fact, part of the reason God has placed me here is because I am different. Here’s what Paul has to say about that:
For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body.... If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. (1 Corinthians 12:14-15,17-18 ESV)
If I could paraphrase these verses, I might say, "The church does not consist of one type of person, but many. If the single woman should say, 'I'm not married, I guess I don't belong to the church,' that would not make her any less a part of the church. If the whole church were married, where would the children's ministry volunteers come from? But as it is, God brought together the members of the church, each one of them, as he chose."

Our different organs make it possible for us to do more stuff. And just like a body with a variety of parts, the church is composed of different kinds of people. We come from a variety of backgrounds, incomes, and places in life, but when our diverse components come under the headship of Christ, each part's function contributes to the health of the whole group. Our differences glorify God and build up one another. On the drive home that Sunday morning and many times since, the Lord has encouraged me to stop thinking of myself as the part that doesn't fit, and to start thinking of myself as a part that is uniquely positioned to serve.

Going green!


a work of God

It's Amie here again. I've made it back with a second post! There is a chance I'll be able to post again on Saturday, but we shall see as I'll be camping out in wild wild west (...of St. Louis) until late evening. If I don't happen to publish then, do come back Monday as my lovely lady friend Lynn Fleshman is next in line to write her heart out on singleness and God's goodness.

As mentioned previously, over the last eight years of following Christ, I was encouraged and delighted to discover along that way that it is possible to be strongly satisfied in God before the "I do" as well as live with a growing desire for marriage and family. The fact that those two things can co-exist within this human heart of mine, is definitely a work of God -and I praise Him for it.

The only time I've found myself teeter tottering one way or the other, one way disregarding a desire for marriage or the other disregarding the gift of singleness, has been when I've let fear take the reigns. I want to be clear with what I mean when I say fear, so here are some fear based messages I believed (a.k.a lies) from my past:

Fear // Disregarding the Desire for Marriage
  • It's better to not love then take the chance in losing a life-giving investment like that.
  • It's better to not love someone so deeply because it could divert my worship to God.
  • Marriage may not be in my future, therefore I'd rather not consider it and then be let down.
  • Who in the world would want to truly love me based off the yesterdays I've lived? And if there existed such a man, would/could I love him in return?
Fear // Disregarding the Gift of Singleness
  • If I don't analyze the single guys around me, I could totally miss the one I'm suppose to be with.
  • Married women are valued more than single women; marriage is valued more than singleness.
  • People won't notice if I'm not around; I don't have much to offer; I'm not that significant.
  • Not everything that I do during my single years will affect my marriage to come, or other people for that matter.

Typing all that out felt really quick, but I must tell you that it took years for me to even notice I believed those lies (let alone articulate them) and then trust God for who Christ says He is... A God of victory and love; a God who drives out fear and has our best interest in mind; a God who is able to do immeasurably more than I could ever dream or ask for...

[to be continued]

Going green!
Amie Fox

my numero uno

A little introduction: They call me Amie, that is my name. I'm 25. I was born in Alaska, raised in southern California and the casino regions of Nevada, but of all the cities I've resided, St. Louis has definitely taken the "hometown" title. Jesus Christ is my past, present, and perpetual hero. In addition to reading my posts here, you can follow me on twitter, subscribe to my personal blog and/or stalk as much of my facebook happenings as you'd like... all of which explain a little more "about me" in some way or another.

I also happen to have the honor of being the first chick to post on this blog. Wohoo!!! is how I feel inside. I've got this whole week to post until it's time for the next authoress (fancy terminology eh?).

Before I share any stories of my life on this blog, you must know that I totally agree with this statement that I once heard from a message by John C. Maxwell: People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. In honesty, when it comes down to how my life is lived, I rarely listen to other peoples' input until I sense they truly have my best interest in mind. On the flip side, I don't actually expect that people are gonna want to hear what I have to say until they know I genuinely care.

With all that said, know that any stories from my life that I post about I'll be sharing because I care about people who have gone through similar experiences or may find themselves about to. I enjoy sharing my life because I've encountered a God who has shown me that what I've claimed in the past as impossible doesn't hold true with Him.

Jesus Christ has been my numero uno for the last eight years. I would say I've been as contently single as single can be since the day I met Him, yet God has also placed within me a growing desire for marriage and a family. It's a bit crazy to me how those two things can co-exist but I've found it possible when I keep impatience out of the soil. I'll explain more of that in the posts to come as I desperately need to catch some Zzz for the night...

Going green!

Amie Fox

would you like to contribute?

We hearing about the activity of Christ in other single ladies! If you are interested in contributing to future posts with a testimony from your life, please email greenlightrevolution@gmail.com.