We ARE blessed.

Happy Monday, errr...Tuesday!
This week, I've been thinking about what I should write and so far, I've come up with multiple ideas but I can't seem to complete any of them! I have the attention span of a goldfish. :-/

So, here I am... Sitting in my bedroom, praying and I'm just going to GO FOR IT! :)

Single. It's a title that depresses some women and then is welcomed by others. For me, there really isn't any other option. Right now, God has me in this season of my life, so it's got to be the best thing for me. Lately, I've been thinking about the idea of singleness as a gift, because to me, it totally is! I'm convinced that I could not be happy in this season of singleness without the Grace of God. The world tells us that if we're single, then there is something wrong with us. Ads tell us to change who we are to attract that certain someone that will make us happy. How incredibly thankful am I that God doesn't tell us that! Instead, He gently guides us through struggles and temptations and gives us a deeper satisfaction in Him.

Let's face it! Singleness is NOT easy. There are so many different things that we deal with: loneliness, bitterness, jealousy, etc... But, what do all of those feelings stem from? For me, these feelings arise when I take the time to dwell on what God hasn't given me. It's so easy to make comparisons of my life vs. friends' lives! Maybe she has a great guy, or a more athletic body type, or perhaps she's the popular one...etc. The fact of the matter is, dwelling on what we don't have is not a God-honoring pastime. Most of the time, when we're so busy focusing on what others have, we are completely blinded to the things we've been blessed with, plus we're not giving God the credit He deserves. He DOES have a plan for our lives. He promises us that!

So yesterday was my birthday, and throughout the day I was so overwhelmed with how much God has blessed me! Not only has He put me in a community of people who really do love and care about me, but He sent His Son to die for me, and He didn't even stop there... He loves me and YOU! And it's not just some sort of wishy-washy love, but it's REAL love, UNDYING love, SATISFYING love and it's the GREATEST love anyone could ever know. He even desires a deep relationship with us! How cool is it that we're desirable to the King of Kings!

Ladies, we may feel like our lives are lacking sometimes...but, that is a lie. We have all we need in Him. He is continually growing and blessing us! I encourage all of you to dwell on His blessings in your life! Our God is good and has good plans for all of us! Let's rest in that promise throughout the busyness of the work/school week!
Going Green,

Home is somewhere I've never known

Hush, Hush, Hush...
I heard a sound come from the ground
All of the trees are a buzz
Talking in tongues, talking with lungs
Talking of freedom

All of the earth is soon to give birth
Look at the mountains alive
Birds and the bees, insects and leaves
All of us longing, longing for home
Home, home is somewhere I've never known

Over the river
Over the river
I've set my hope
Over the river
Over the river
I'll find my hope in You, You

Death, where is your sting?
Your signet ring?
Where is your power?
Why all this war?
Death to the score
Nations are fading

Kingdom of light, setting us right
Finally human
Give me a tongue
It will be done
Inside I'm longing, longing for love
Love, love is something I've never known

Over the River by Jon Foreman
(from the album Limbs and Branches)

Click here to listen!

This whole album has been speaking to me, lately. Egh! Actually, God has been speaking to me, but Jon Foreman is one talented dude!

I was thinking about some of the lyrics of this song:

Home, home is somewhere I've never known

Love, love is something I've never known

The most homey, comfortable, safe, warm home we've ever been to is nothing compared to our home in heaven. The love we experience in our families, with our friends, romantically...it's nothing compared to the love our Lord offers us, both now and forever! If we know Him, we will experience this love forever when we go to our home in Heaven! This earth and our experiences here are temporary. Thank goodness, because sometimes I feel a little weary of this life.

Be sure to check out Jon Foreman if you haven't. Talk to you ladies again, soon!

Going green!
