Real Housewives of Joplin, MO-Episode 2

Today, we're continuing a series of interviews with several married women from my lovely church family at CCOJ. Without further ado, I give you.....Real Housewife #2!

Going green!


Real Housewife #2: Linda Clements

Age: 46

Three Things We Should Know About You:

  1. I'll be married 23 years in July, to Kevin whom I love deeply.
  2. Kevin and I have two sons who I am over-the-moon crazy nuts about.
  3. I love to make art, and I love to listen to music.

1. What are some of the habits you cultivated during your single years that have helped you as a married woman?

  • I fell in love with Jesus when He pursued and captured my heart. Because of this, I learned to love to worship Him, read the bible, and hang out with His people.
  • I surrounded myself (actually, God did this) with amazing women who were authentic and real and loved me well, and in turn, I learned to love them back. Actually, I am still learning this. I've been "loved on" amazingly well and beautifully by wonderful godly women who are passionate about Jesus. I really can't believe how God has blessed me in this area. He's really good and faithful to me.
  • I learned to not let everyone I know have a strong voice into my life. I have a close counsel of people whom I trust, and I know they really want to see me grow in my relationship with God regardless of what it might cost me or them. They are honest with lots of love and grace. They cheer me on! Yay for them! May God bless them abundantly!! Different people over the years have spoken such rich truth to me about my walk with Jesus, my marriage, my parenting, and my friendships.
  • I learned that it truly is in giving to all men that we receive. Serving is key to much in life.
  • I know this might surprise you…it surprised me...but....drum roll, please....I really don't know everything. In fact, I know very little - I need God and God's people. Still learning this one...

2. What's one thing you have learned about men that you didn't know before you were married?

  • Men need to be respected. Women want to be treasured, and men need to have genuine, real, authentic respect. Women don't always know how to deliver respect like men need it.
  • People often talk about how women are complicated and men are simple. It isn't true. Men are very complex.
  • Men don't always multi-task well (some do, though). Women often do. We tend to think men do, too. We rattle off our shopping list to them and they are immediately overwhelmed and it frustrates us both. They are frustrated by the immensity and amount to do, and we can be frustrated that we can't share vocally our load of things to do...and then we women feel like it's all up to us to make things happen and get things done. In reality, men are more than willing to share in the load (man! sometimes they even take the whole overwhelming load). They just don't want to hear the whole boatload all at one time. Learning to only share one thing at a time is helpful.

Oh wait! This said one thing...I'll stop here. :-)

3. What does your role as your husband's helper look like?

My husband likes me to be beside him sharing in most of what we do in the church or otherwise. This means I try to structure my life so that I am available to do that. I have been a stay-at-home mom for all our sons’ lives up to this point. I encourage him in what God has called him and our family in. First and foremost, I stay focused on my own relationship with God first. We have an understanding that God is the single most important relationship any of us has in this, God is always first...above our relationship with each other. I personally don't always do this well, and when I don't put God first, all other areas of my life are affected.

4. What do you appreciate about the single women in your life?

The single women I know are so smart! I appreciate how they love God so passionately. I appreciate how they are so honest and vulnerable with their struggles with their friends. I appreciate the passion in how they live their lives out...both the struggles and the celebrations. The single women I know and admire love God first, are funny, intelligent, have a zest for life, have so much fun with their friends, are just as comfortable in sweats at the gym as they are in a party dress and dancing their feet off! The single moms I know parent and love their children so well that it blesses and encourages me. All my single ladies are amazing and wonderful and beautiful, and they are deeply loved by me.

5. If you could travel back in time and talk to yourself during your single years, what would you say? What do you know now that you wish you knew then?

  • Don't take the small stuff so serious. Laugh more.
  • Wait on God. He is always faithful.
  • Treasure your girlfriends. Go the extra mile even when it's tough.
  • Read your Bible more.
  • Don't waste time on guys who aren't passionate about God.
  • Don't be stupid with finances. Be a good steward with the money God has entrusted to you.
  • Embrace the journey God has you on..."Joy for the Journey."
  • Whose idea was it to wear those huge shoulder pads in our clothes during the 80's?! I think I would try not to have faux football player shoulders. Many other fashion yucka ducka doos!
  • Enjoy the moment. Savor it. Don't always be looking forward. I promise will really miss out and you will miss the things God has for you in the now. Rest in the knowledge that God has a plan for your life, plans for good and not evil, plans to give you a future and a hope.

1 Response to "Real Housewives of Joplin, MO-Episode 2"

  1. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Not sure why some of the text is a different size....I think it might have something to do with my use of bullets. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

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