a work of God

It's Amie here again. I've made it back with a second post! There is a chance I'll be able to post again on Saturday, but we shall see as I'll be camping out in wild wild west (...of St. Louis) until late evening. If I don't happen to publish then, do come back Monday as my lovely lady friend Lynn Fleshman is next in line to write her heart out on singleness and God's goodness.

As mentioned previously, over the last eight years of following Christ, I was encouraged and delighted to discover along that way that it is possible to be strongly satisfied in God before the "I do" as well as live with a growing desire for marriage and family. The fact that those two things can co-exist within this human heart of mine, is definitely a work of God -and I praise Him for it.

The only time I've found myself teeter tottering one way or the other, one way disregarding a desire for marriage or the other disregarding the gift of singleness, has been when I've let fear take the reigns. I want to be clear with what I mean when I say fear, so here are some fear based messages I believed (a.k.a lies) from my past:

Fear // Disregarding the Desire for Marriage
  • It's better to not love then take the chance in losing a life-giving investment like that.
  • It's better to not love someone so deeply because it could divert my worship to God.
  • Marriage may not be in my future, therefore I'd rather not consider it and then be let down.
  • Who in the world would want to truly love me based off the yesterdays I've lived? And if there existed such a man, would/could I love him in return?
Fear // Disregarding the Gift of Singleness
  • If I don't analyze the single guys around me, I could totally miss the one I'm suppose to be with.
  • Married women are valued more than single women; marriage is valued more than singleness.
  • People won't notice if I'm not around; I don't have much to offer; I'm not that significant.
  • Not everything that I do during my single years will affect my marriage to come, or other people for that matter.

Typing all that out felt really quick, but I must tell you that it took years for me to even notice I believed those lies (let alone articulate them) and then trust God for who Christ says He is... A God of victory and love; a God who drives out fear and has our best interest in mind; a God who is able to do immeasurably more than I could ever dream or ask for...

[to be continued]

Going green!
Amie Fox

1 Response to "a work of God"

  1. Rebekah Neely Says:

    cheers sister!!!

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