I wish...

I wish that I would see myself the way God sees me. I wish the same for you, and for all girls out there. And let’s throw guys in while we’re at it. Self-esteem is a big issue – especially with the covers of magazines showing us what air-brushed-perfect people are supposed to look like.

My thighs are soooo huge. My nose has this funny bump on it. My teeth are weird. My eyes are too close together. I hate my smile. I hate pictures of myself. I don’t like to laugh…it makes me feel self-conscious. I’m so tall…I’m so short. I feel awkward. I AM awkward…etc etc…


I see my parents about once a month. Every time I see them, they say how they miss me. It’s so good to see you. Hugs are hugged. My mom might compliment my outfit. My dad says something like, “I’m proud of you, Sisl.” Then we talk about the drive and our day and what we’re going to eat. Not once has my dad said, “You sure do have some weird teeth.” Not once has my mom said, “Your nose is ugly. You got that from my side of the family. You’re welcome.”

Our parents contribute to our self-esteem. And God, the ultimate parent, certainly never gives us a reason to have low self-esteem. When God looks at you, He sees a child. His child. He created you, and He is pleased with you. If we were fully relying on God, our self-esteem would be through the roof. So what’s the problem?
Satan. Satan will do whatever he can to sideline us. To distract us. To make us feel worthless. If he can cause us to focus on ourselves, our full attention will not be on God. Do not let him! Did you know it was so simple? I forgot! Ask God to help you – He will!

Going green,


Don't miss your own wedding!

Something just struck me. Maybe this is not profound to you, but in my 23 years, I have never grasped this concept so clearly. I have heard, over and over, that Christ is our head, God is our husband, we can have an intimate relationship with Him, He can fulfill our every need.

All of this is true! I have caught glimpses and glimmers. I’m sure you can identify with me. There are glorious times when God is so clear to me. When I seek Him and find Him. When he teaches me something beautiful, life changing, and tailored to my life…

I feel like God is saying, “All the time, Andrea! You can experience this all the time! Come experience true love as it was meant to be!”

When is the wedding?! Has it already happened? Did I not show up for my own ceremony? I want to quit acting like this. I’m not married, so I can’t say for sure, but I’d like to think that on my wedding day, I will be elated to spend the rest of my life with this person, this man who loves me, who chose me. He could have married someone else, but he is marrying me. What devotion! I do not consistently share the same elation to spend the rest of my life with God…not as it is.

We can marry God, today! Now let’s begin to treat Him like the True Love that He is. Let’s devote ourselves to Him fully. His love will certainly sustain us for richer or poorer, through sickness and health. And the bit about, “til death do you part…” Forget about it. We get to spend eternity with Him!

Tonight, I’m praying that each of us would feel our worth – indeed, our beauty. We are beautiful because He created us in His image! Now put on your white dress and say, “I DO!”

Going Green!


Green-Light Lunch

This past weekend was Mobilise USA in St. Louis. All of us Green-Lighters were all together for the first time since this blog got started, and we all went out to lunch! It was a great time of food, laughter, and fellowship with other great Godly women! Here are some snapshots :)

prunes (mobilise usa 2010) from Amie Fox on Vimeo.

Going Green!

"He surrounds me with His FAVOR as a SHIELD.."

Hello Lady friends!

I am actually writing this post a few weeks early, as the week that I am due to blog, I will be arriving in Cape Town, South Africa! I'm spending a semester studying there, and thus will be quite busy that week, and I'm not sure if I would have internet access right away!

As I've been preparing for this trip, I've been feeling quite alot of emotions. Excitement, of course, but also fear, anxiety, and worry. There are a lot of unknowns. One night a few weeks ago, I was really having a tough time, and sat down to read some Psalms. Whenever you are feeling all over the place in terms of emotions, the psalms are a great place to hang out in. During times of my life when things seems uncertain, or I'm about to go through something new or difficult, or I'm feeling lonely, I've found that the psalmist can capture what I'm feeling, while also speaking truth and proclaiming the promises of God. I would encourage anyone who is in a turbulent stage of life or feeling any strong emotions to really dig into the psalms, because I guarantee you will find truth that is strongly correlated to your situation.

SO, back to that one night. I came across Psalm 5: 11-12 (NIV): "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them every sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as a shield."

What had I been feeling that night?

---Very exposed, unsteady, and unsure...:"Let all who take REFUGE in you be glad". I may feel that way, but I take refuge in God, thus I can be joyous about the future.

---Fearful of safety in a strange land, getting around town, traveling, lack of communication..:"Spread your protection over them, that those who love you may rejoice in you." God's got me, He's protecting me, He goes before me.

--Being alone, meeting new people, wanting to make friends and connections..:"You SURROUND them with your favor as a SHIELD".He will give me favor with those He brings into my life, His favor will protect me like a shield from loneliness, from the enemies attacks. He will keep me.

I'm so thankful that we serve a God who knows what we're feeling, created emotions thus understands them, and teaches us and encourages us in all things!

Going green!

beautiful mystery.

I was looking at something I wrote a while back and it really has popped up in my life again, just some thoughts...

I find people... wonderful... beautiful... mysterious... and adorable.

All the people I have gotten a chance to know in life I have found to be wonderful. All so astonishingly interesting in their own way. It makes me want to hear everyone's story because I know everyone has one. The people in my life, the people that have shared their stories with me are wonderful people.

People are so beautiful! Even just going to the store and looking around you realize that God has made us beautiful beings in so many ways. The gorgeous outer appearance of people that we can see by walking by someone. But also the beauty of watching the generosity complete strangers have, always giving even if it is just a smile. I look around me in life and I am surrounded by beautiful people.

The mystery within each person is so... mysterious, haha. It makes life interesting God has made us to want to know others stories, others mystery. And that should make it easier for us to evangelize. If you think about it don’t you love hearing about the unique story of each person? I know I do and it makes me want to ask and search to find the treasure... the mystery.

It is so true that people are adorable. Just think about it adorable puppies, or babies, or even old people. But seriously I find old people extremely adorable, the way they smile and talk to people even what they wear. I’m not sure exactly what it is but they are just so adorable. This world is full of adorable things, but I have to say people are the most adorable.

I love people so much and that is why. Because God made us wonderful, beautiful, mysterious, and adorable!

I love God’s creation and the way he made each of us so differently yet so wonderfully.

Going Green!

Ashamed of Being Single?

"So, why aren't you married yet? Maybe you just need to get out a little more, eh? What, too picky? Well, at your age, you really can’t afford to be so choosy…”

Perhaps like me, you've found yourself on the other side of one of these conversations. It’s usually a well-meaning relative who poses the barrage of questions between forkfuls of turkey and mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving dinner, while the rest of the family gradually tunes out the football game and tunes into my embarrassing conversation. Despite the Joshua Harris books, the John Piper podcasts, and the studies in 1 Corinthians 7, in those excruciating moments, I feel ashamed of being single.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the roles of women in the Old Testament. These ladies were living under the Old Covenant, when God's kingdom grew through physical births. Ever since the first family on earth received the creation mandate in Genesis 1 (be fruitful and multiply) women had been doing just that. They contributed to the growth of God's kingdom by bearing children and training them to know and worship the Lord. Sadly, women who could not bear children experienced tremendous grief and shame. Some were mocked or criticized by family members. Others saw their barrenness as a sign of God's disfavor.

I think many single women today feel a similar sense of shame and confusion in regard to being single. In my own heart and in conversations with other single girls, I have heard echoes of the struggles these barren women must have faced. Single women, too, wonder how we can contribute to the growth of God’s kingdom outside the roles of wife and mother. Sometimes family members say things that hurt our feelings. Like Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah, we live in the faith-building tension of trusting in God’s goodness while certain good things are withheld.

As I looked into the issue of barrenness in the Bible, I came across a wonderful, prophetic directive in Isaiah 54.
“Sing, O barren one, who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married… Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities.” Isaiah 54:1-3
This prophecy is about a new era, one in which the concepts of family, birth, and growth have to be reconsidered and redefined. And guess what? We live in this era! Under the New Covenant, single women don’t have to wonder if we can make significant contributions to the growth of God’s kingdom. His family no longer multiplies through childbearing, but through spiritual rebirth and the adoption of sons and daughters from many different families. Now, anyone can participate! More than any other person in history, Jesus expanded God's kingdom and He did so without getting married or having children. If there was ever any shame in being unmarried or childless, Jesus has removed it. In fact, he brought honor to those positions by embodying them during his life on earth.

I am determined (not successful, but determined) to esteem whatever gifts God decides to give me this year. I won’t be ashamed of my portion. Instead, I am going to break out into song, throw back the curtains of my tent, and strengthen my stakes. I want to introduce wandering orphans to the Father of the Fatherless, to my maker and husband.

Going green!

P.S. Check out the rest of Isaiah 54. It's great!