I wish...

I wish that I would see myself the way God sees me. I wish the same for you, and for all girls out there. And let’s throw guys in while we’re at it. Self-esteem is a big issue – especially with the covers of magazines showing us what air-brushed-perfect people are supposed to look like.

My thighs are soooo huge. My nose has this funny bump on it. My teeth are weird. My eyes are too close together. I hate my smile. I hate pictures of myself. I don’t like to laugh…it makes me feel self-conscious. I’m so tall…I’m so short. I feel awkward. I AM awkward…etc etc…


I see my parents about once a month. Every time I see them, they say how they miss me. It’s so good to see you. Hugs are hugged. My mom might compliment my outfit. My dad says something like, “I’m proud of you, Sisl.” Then we talk about the drive and our day and what we’re going to eat. Not once has my dad said, “You sure do have some weird teeth.” Not once has my mom said, “Your nose is ugly. You got that from my side of the family. You’re welcome.”

Our parents contribute to our self-esteem. And God, the ultimate parent, certainly never gives us a reason to have low self-esteem. When God looks at you, He sees a child. His child. He created you, and He is pleased with you. If we were fully relying on God, our self-esteem would be through the roof. So what’s the problem?
Satan. Satan will do whatever he can to sideline us. To distract us. To make us feel worthless. If he can cause us to focus on ourselves, our full attention will not be on God. Do not let him! Did you know it was so simple? I forgot! Ask God to help you – He will!

Going green,


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