Boundary Lines in Pleasant Places

“Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” – Psalm 16: 5-6

My dear lovely Greenlight ladies, how I do love you all! Spring is finally here, and what a marvelous job our Creator has done; surely He has outdone Himself this year! I hope your days have been as full of joy as mine have been as of late. Trees, birds, flowers, moss…. sheesh, what more could a girl ask for?! I just wanted to tell you gals something that He has been bringing to mind a lot this past month for me. I’ve been mulling over Psalm 16:5-6 quite a bit, and keep getting stuck on the boundary line part. The more I thought about (or rather the more I listened to what God was telling me about it) the more I started getting this idea of singleness being my boundary line. What are boundary lines created for? What are their purpose? Well, for one thing they are created to keep things in, and to also keep things out. They are created to show ownership over something. And they are created to show what lies ahead, but from a safe place.

Right now I’m in singleness; that is my boundary line. My heart is set in a pleasant place, guarded from deception, and claimed by the One who owns my affections. But it’s just for a season; “I have a delightful inheritance”. My boundary line will move someday to a different place. It’s like Jabez when he prayed, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory!” (1 Chronicles 4:10). Now, I must confess that sometimes in my mind “enlarge my territory” can easily translate to: “send me a handsome hunk of a man Lord!” But regardless of handsome hunks of men being territory or not, God still promises a delightful inheritance in Him; the author of all romance. So I’m happy with where my boundary line is in life right now, it’s a pleasant place full of peace…… and I won’t complain if someday my territory does increase! :)

Love you ladies!
Going Green,

2 Response to "Boundary Lines in Pleasant Places"

  1. Amie Says:

    so true!!! thanks for the post missy!

  2. Unknown Says:

    Love it! Very encouraging, Miss. :)

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