unlocked into song

God has been developing something new in me: He has given me a singing voice!

I've always sung during times of corporate worship or while listening to the radio, but for the last couple of months I've begun to pick up my guitar, play what few chords I know and simply spend time worshiping God in song. I've found there's something about the strumming of the guitar strings that moves me to enter into God's presence, worship Him and bare my heart before Him. Let me just say, it's literally been life-changing! In this way, I've entered into new realms of intimacy with Jesus through the Spirit's leading.

This past week God gave me a clear picture: I saw a music box. I saw the box unlocked and the lid lifted, and out were flowing streams of music alive with color.

God has made it clear to me that my heart is the music box; that this picture is a representation of what He's been doing in me over the last couple years: He's unlocked the lid on my heart & soul by filling me with the gift and promise of His Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14); He's been winding the gears and strumming my heart strings; and out has come the music of my Spirit as I've been overflowing with songs in praise of Him.

All of this reminded me of a preach Terry Virgo gave last year at Equipped for Mission '09 entitled Worship: Liberty, Faith, Presence (download this message at newfrontiersusa.org >> media archive) in which Terry talks about the importance of songs in the bible, and why singing to God, both corporately and individually, is so important for our souls.

I highly recommend a listen.

Going Green!

1 Response to "unlocked into song"

  1. Amie Says:

    beautiful. thanks for the post and recommendation (I think I shall give that a listen today!).

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