A Nose Ring, Tambourine, and a Scarlet Cord

My dearest greenlight ladies! I totally want to skip the intro for today’s post, because I am just too excited. I want us to become better friends with three women that I thoroughly find to be wonderful characters. I am just really excited about these women, and what God did through their lives. So here they are: Rebekah, Miriam, and Rahab.

Their stories can be found in Genesis 24, Exodus 15, and Joshua 2. There are many, many, many things about God and His character that can be proved in their stories, but the main things I want to focus on this time are these ladies accessories! Come on, let’s be honest…. This is one of our favorite things to talk about as women. So let’s start with Rebekah.

Rebekah: from the town of Nahor, relative to Abraham, soon to be wife of Isaac, and receiver of a 1/5 ounce GOLD nose ring.

Ok, first off this story is one of the most romantic love stories in the Old Testament to me. I would like to quote from my bible’s commentary concerning this: “The first meeting of Isaac and Rebekah (vs. 62-67) is a masterpiece of atmosphere, tenderness, and understated emotion.” With a description like that, I now feel it absolutely necessary that we read it….

“Now Isaac had come from Beer La-hai Roi, for he was living in the Negev. He went out to the field one evening to meditate, and as he looked up, he saw camels approaching. Rebekah also looked up and saw Isaac, (cue romantic music!) She got down from her camel and asked the servant, “Who is that man in the field coming to meet us?” “He is my master,” the servant answered. So she took her veil and covered herself.” – Genesis 24:62-65.

All together now, “Sigh……” :) It’s great, just great. Now let’s get back to that nose ring. Abraham’s servant first gives Rebekah the nose ring in verse 22, after she has watered the camels; this was like a version of an engagement ring. In verse 30 we see that Rebekah’s nose ring is the first dead giveaway sign to her brother, Laban, that something is up. This nose ring seems to be a pretty big deal, so I started thinking about it; what could it symbolize? These were my thoughts: nose ring= belonging to someone, being identified with them, possession, ownership. Even though we don’t yet have our own physical versions of nose rings, (or just a diamond band on the second to last finger of the left hand) we most definitely have these things in Christ. We belong to Him, are identified with Him, are His possession, and He has sole ownership of our hearts and affections.

God is faithful, Rebekah is wonderful, and I now have a greater desire for a nose ring. Tomorrow let’s become better friends with Miriam!

Holy kisses to you all!

Going green,


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