Can a Good Tree Bear Bad Fruit?

Good morning, GREEN-LIGHT Revolutionaries!

I'm thrilled to be writing to you again! If this is the first time you’ve visited the GREEN-LIGHT Revolution blog, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Lynn, and I live in Joplin, MO. I'm a member of Christ's Church, a growing, worshiping, disciple-making group of believers who have been blessed with excellent leadership and increasing influence in our communities. I also have the privilege of being the secretary for Christ's Church, Monday-Friday. I'm 29 years-old and discovering daily that He is sufficient for me

Interspersed with the bland bills that fill my mailbox in the months of February, March, and April will be brightly colored envelopes addressed in flowery fonts to Ms. Lynn Fleshman. The wedding season is upon us, friends! In the midst of all the tissue paper and color coordinated cupcakes, do you sometimes feel a drop (or maybe a deluge) of jealousy?

I used to trace feelings of jealousy or discontentment with singleness back to my strong desire for marriage. I thought the reason I was experiencing these painful emotions was that I longed to enjoy this gift. Until a still, small voice (you know the one) inquired of me, “Can a good tree bear bad fruit?” Well, no...and then it hit me. A desire for marriage is a good tree and it will not produce the bad fruit of jealousy, bitterness, or discontentment. If those are the fruits you are finding scattered on the ground of your heart, look around--you have another tree growing there, friend. And it must be chopped down, pronto.

Here are a few strategies I’ve learned for ridding your heart of the tree of jealousy.

Chop 1: Confess. Acknowledge that jealousy is a rotten fruit falling from a bad tree, and tell a trusted friend that you are struggling with it. Pray together for the Holy Spirit’s help in destroying this tree.

Chop 2: Worship! Instead of thinking about the good things everyone else is getting, dwell upon all the good God has done for you!

Chop 3: Bless. Pray abundant, overflowing blessings on the people you feel jealous toward. It’s amazing how praying for someone can turn your attitude around. Instead of feeling like you are missing out on something good, you begin to feel like you are part of the good things happening to others!

Dear sisters, I hope these strategies are helpful. I’m praying that our Lord will reveal which kinds of fruit are growing in our hearts and help us chop down any trees that might try to choke out the good he promises and intends for us! He is a skilled gardener and is so good to prune his vines.

Going green!


4 Response to "Can a Good Tree Bear Bad Fruit?"

  1. Abby Baker Says:

    Lovin' this, Lynnie! Thanks for the helpful advice... :)

  2. Amie Says:

    VERY insightful! Thanks for sharing Lynn! I'm also REALLY looking forward to this round of green-light posts! xox

  3. Renee Scott Says:

    I've never looked at it like that before! Good stuff Lynn. Thanks for sharing your heart and the things God has revealed to you!

  4. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Thanks for your encouraging comments, girls! I have a lot to learn in this area, and I'm so glad we learn from each other along the way!

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