Faith, Hope and Love: Make Ready

I'm no sailor, however I do have a little experience with boats. Some friends have a house right on the lake and they're kind enough to invite people out to spend the whole day on the lake. It's fabulous! We'll often load everyone onto the boat and find some peaceful cove where we can all jump out and swim. I remember the last time we were there, we found a great spot to swim, dropped anchor and everyone started getting in the water. Very soon someone noticed that the anchor wasn't holding and the boat was beginning to drift. Not only was there danger of a run-away boat clocking some poor swimmer on the head, but if no one was paying attention, it could have drifted far enough away that we would have all been left to chase after it. Luckily, that wasn't the case. We found a place that the anchor would hold.

So, I may not be a sailor, but I understand that an anchor is important. I love the verse in Hebrews 6 that says, "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek." (vs. 19 & 20) God is always so faithful to remind me of the promises he's given me. I was just reading in a devotional book a friend gave me. One of the entries is talking about Jacob from a couple verses in Genesis and it says, "He began by quoting God's promise: "You said." He did so twice ([verses] 9 and 12). Ah, he has got God in his power then! God puts Himself within our reach in His promises; and when we can say to Him, "You said," He cannot say no. He must do as He has said.... Be sure in prayer to get your feet well on a promise; it will give you purchase enough to force open the gates of heaven, and to take it by force." (From Streams in the Desert)

One of the ultimate promises that I get excited about, is the promise that we will one day see God face to face! It doesn't matter what's going on in my life: big things, little things, good and bad - I have this hope that I can anchor in the character of Jesus, and what's more stable than that?

The song that I want to share with you today is one that always gets me excited about this hope. It's an instrumental song, so I'm going to give you this link to it. The song is called "Making Ready" and whenever I listen to it, I see pictures play out in my head of a King and his right-hand men galloping through the countryside, returning home after a long time away. In the meantime, all the servants at the house are excitedly getting things ready for his return. I know that not everyone will hear/see these same things when they listen to the song (some of you may not even like it very much), but I hope that it encourages you to a) look for God to speak to you in everyday things like songs, movies, nature, etc. and, b) remember the hope that we have in Jesus: a firm, strong, stable hope that anchors us to God through the promise of one day standing before him face to face!

(If for some reason the link to the song doesn't work, I apologize. It's by Don Potter, if you'd like to look it up.)

Going green,


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