My friends...My family

Hey Ladies,

Kenzie here, and it’s been so long. A lot of things have changed in my life since my last posts; I moved to a new town, started leading worship at my church, and got married. It’s been one crazy time, but also an amazing adventure. Now I wasn’t sure what to post about for the longest time, but when I actually thought about it I said what has been on my heart lately? The answer... my friends in Joplin, MO, so here’s a few words for Joplin:

I lived in Joplin for a year and met some of the most amazing people. It was a major growing time for me in my relationship with Jesus, and because of that Joplin has a special place in my heart and always will. And actually some of the bloggers on this site are from Joplin and have seen and even felt some of the devastation caused by the tornado’s. The church I went to when I lived in Joplin have been glorifying Jesus all over the place and it is wonderful to see. That church will bring hope to Joplin through this hard time. I know that because I know the heart of that church and it is a bright light among the darkness. My Joplin family you are amazing! Full of joy and Jesus even through these rough times.

While I lived in Joplin my relationship with Jesus grew so much. It was my last year of being single and I celebrated in my singleness. Really I found so much joy in being single that I was convinced I would never get married, obviously God had different plans. God had called me to singleness for that time and helped me to be content in my singleness. It’s not always an easy thing to be content with, but God works miracles haha. One of the things that helped me more than anything was having relationships with other godly single women. You can help each other more than you could even imagine. One of my best friends, Lynn Fleshman, helped me more than anyone. We encouraged each other, we talked about Jesus, we talked about men, we talked about struggles, and we were honest and open with each other! I’m so thankful to this day for God putting Lynn in my life, she’s awesome : )

Going Green!


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