I Can Commit Because He is Committed to Me...

Just last week, I lost one of the most amazing women in my life-- my Memere who lost her battle with Cancer. She was a loving-servant who set an amazing example for all who knew her and will be missed terribly.

My Memere and Pepere were working on their 50th year of marriage!!! They were a couple truly committed to each other and it was during the past week they really proved that they meant “till death do us part”. As heartbreaking as it was to say goodbye to Memere, I’ve found myself in awe of her relationship with Pepere and I’ve really been thinking a lot about what it means to be committed. I feel like commitment can be a scary word. Women always give men a hard time about being scared to commit but when I examine my own life, I can see that’s the case for me as well. I change my mind a lot and I can be very fickle, sadly enough—even with Jesus. We live in a society that doesn't like to commit and I’m not just talking about marriage here either. We go through some hard patch where we’re not happy with our job, our friends, or our newest piece of technology and we’re ready to give them up just like that. As much as I hate generalizations, this is something that seems to be very prevalent in our generation.

So, what should my response be?

Should I feel condemned or scared by the idea of commitment? No.

Should I be excited about this opportunity of growth God has given me? Yes!

Right now, I may be single and have pretty much no prospect of marriage on the horizon, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t grow in my ability to be faithful. I really believe God was speaking to me throughout my Memere’s last days, showing me another picture of His Faithfulness to us, while also challenging me to grow. When I decided to follow Jesus all those years ago, I entered into a committed relationship with the King of the universe. Since that day, He has never left my side, never stopped comforting me, never stopped guiding me and never stopped loving me. Now, I have the opportunity to grow in being faithful by continuously chasing after Him, by not taking my eyes off of the prize, by trusting Him with my time, thoughts, money and all that I am. I have the opportunity to stray away from culture and be committed, even when my feelings are telling me something different than what truth has already told me.

I know that I can live opposite of this culture and be committed because Jesus is committed to me. You know that old saying, "The TRUTH will set you free!"? Well, I am convinced of that more and more every day! I have FREEDOM to commit through Jesus who set the ultimate example for me! Thank you Lord!

Going green!


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