Dynamic Duo

Hello Friends!

Let me introduce myself--My name is Martha Lee; I'm 20 and am currently a junior at UM-St. Louis. It was just over 2 years ago that God brought me to St. Louis for school, and brought Jubilee Church into my life!

When I was about 14 years old, I remember coming across 1 Timothy 6:6, which states, "Now Godliness with contentment is a great gain". As awful as it sounds, I remember pretty much thinking, "Yeah well, I don't think I'll ever be at that point." I could have Godliness, but probably not contentment. The majority of my attitude and outlook on life stemmed from discontentment in where I was. Having 3 older sisters, I was always looking at what phase of life they were in, and wishing I could be there with them. In Jr. high, I wished I was in high school. In high school, I thought college was where its at. Then I got to college and my sisters were marrying and having babies. My second semester freshman year, it hit me like a ton of bricks: Instead of valuing where I was, I was thinking that life would get so much better AFTER I was no longer at the stage I was in. I had spent my high school years dismissing where I was, thinking it was unimportant and trivial, instead of recognizing that was where God had me, where He had things to teach me and things for me to do and to enjoy.

I didn't want to make that mistake in college. After so long of "looking ahead", I didn't know how to be content where I was. Years after reading that verse, I opened my Bible up to it again, and instead of dismissing it as not possible for me, I followed 1 John 1:9 : "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness". I repented of my disbelief and sinful attitude, and that began a journey of learning contentment in where I was. At some points it was a painful process of dying to myself, but I was being opened up to the life Christ offered me.

Throughout my sophomore year, God continued to prove Himself faithful, and began showing me countless ways that my singleness and status as a student was a gift. I'm an RA on my campus, and I've had the incredible opportunity to share the gospel with lost students. My flexible schedule allows for me to give rides to our college group meetings and to our Sunday services. I would never have that if I was not in college. I have the time and ability to invest in these lives, and to have a blast doing it! By the end of that year, I was able to truthfully say that I was completely content in the phase of life I was in, not just content but LOVING it. Christ has utterly freed and changed my heart to enjoy where I currently am, while smiling at the thought of what is to come.

In the past few months, I've been consistently seeing more and more fruit in my life. Godliness had been joined with contentment, and the result has indeed been a great GAIN! Just like Christ promised in His word. :)

1 phillippians 1:6 " For I am confident in this: He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

Going Green!

2 Response to "Dynamic Duo"

  1. Rebekah Neely Says:

    It is of GREAT encouragement to hear how God has brought you through the process of finding contentment in Him only... and it spurs me to live and enjoy Him more in the present by focusing on today! Awesome kick-off post Marth!!

  2. Amie Says:

    ::happy sigh::

    I sure like that type of dynamic duo-ing. Thanks for sharing Martha! As Bek said, it is truly encouraging. xox

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