How great the Father's love for us...

Sorry I’ve slacked a little on the post-age this week. It’s been a bit of a rough one for me. Nothing to get too excited about…I’ll be just fine. I’m currently at home, in my sweats, on my couch. Yes. I need this!

I just wanted to share a little story, then adios until Cathy posts : )

First of all. This story isn’t about singleness, or boys, or anything like that; but rather about God’s faithfulness…I hesitated to share, then I thought, “What am I thinking?!” Now, my story:
I haven’t been getting enough sleep….for months. It’s ridiculous. I don’t go to sleep at night, and for some reason, I wake up in a panic before my alarm goes off nearly every morning. It’s to the point that sometimes, all I can think about is sleeping, I can’t concentrate on work, etc etc. This is not a sob story, please keep reading! Anyhow, I’ve been rather discouraged, verrry tired, frustrated, irritated, etc. I even cried today. I’m not a crier. I usually make it to bed between midnight and 2:00 (don’t judge me!) but last night I was ready to conk out at 9:00. I was sooo exhausted, I just wanted to crawl into bed and forget about everything until I woke up before my alarm went off (again) this morning. Then, I realized maybe part of the reason I’ve been so unsettled lately is because I haven’t been spending a proper amount of time with God. Half-heartedly, I grabbed my Bible. “What to read??” I noticed the monthly reading schedule that CCOJ provides. Even though I’m way behind, I decided to just start with the passage suggested for September 24 rather than trying to catch up when I was so tired. The suggested reading was Psalm 16 and Matthew 16. “Big flippin’ hoopty-doopty,” I thought. “What in the world is God going to tell me as I read His gospel out of order, without reading chapters 1-15 first?? Maybe I’ll get some bit of encouragement from the Psalms…” Not only was I encouraged, personally; God showed me some MORE truths to share with you as well!!!

Here is what I read:

Psalm 16

16:2 I said to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.”

16:5-6 (5) Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold my future. (6) The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

16:7-8 (7) I will praise the Lord who counsels me – even at night my conscience instructs me. (8) I keep the Lord in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

16:9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my spirit rejoices; my body also rests securely. (I was so happy to be reminded of that.)

16:11 You reveal the path of life to me; in Your presence is abundant joy

Matthew 16 is about Pharisees and Sadducees…It also touches on faith (or lack thereof). As an aside, my mom and I were just talking about present-day Pharisees and Sadducees… How people like this are missing the point of the good news, and the GRACE, of God, and His son, Jesus Christ. The day after my mom and I talked about it, I had a similar conversation with someone else. A few days later, I read about it in my Bible. I always take it as affirmation that God holds me in the palm of His hand, at ALL times, when things like this happen. He is paying attention to every detail of my life. And to show me, He allows me to read His good word, written thousands of years ago, just at the time that I am so discouraged, about one of the very things that discourages me. Whew, that was a long sentence. I hope you’re still with me! I thank God that He NEVER turns his back on us. Be encouraged, ladies! Listen for God to speak to you, because I have no doubt that He is trying!

Much love and I hope that you have a beautiful weekend!

Going Green,


1 Response to "How great the Father's love for us..."

  1. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    So, I am getting caught up on my Greenlight reading, and I am really glad I came across this post. What beautiful promises! I am encouraged to say in faith that for me, the boundary lines have fallen in pleasant palces--I am pleased with what God has allotted for me. Jesus is my inheritance, and he is beautiful indeed! Thanks for pointing us to these promises that we can rest in.

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