spontaneous adventure.

Hola Chicas,

My name is McKenzie but most people call me Kenzie. Just to say a bit about myself... I absolutely love Jesus and he has given me a heart for those little people, also known as kids. I have recently become a Children Ministry leader at my church, and let me tell you it is a ton of work but well worth it. When I see those kids having fun learning about Jesus and what it is to have a relationship with him, my heart goes wild.
I think I might be going off on one of those tangent things, but that's what happens when the Spirit takes over... So actually I almost didn't take the position as a Children Ministry leader. Even though I knew God had called me, I almost couldn't do it. I was afraid. It was like I kept telling myself that I would fail and that I didn't have the authority. And the truth is I don't have the authority, God is the one with authority and he appointed me to that position. I couldn't use the excuses of "I'm to young" or "because I'm single". God told me to look at it as if my age and my singleness would actually benefit me more. Weird, huh? At first I didn't get it but I started thinking about how I have so much time and energy to focus on kids work without those other distractions. And I'm not saying it would not work if I was older or married, I'm just saying God used even those parts of my life to better benefit the church.
I love how God is always surprising me and helping me to grow in ways I don't always understand. He always keeps me on the edge of my seat, I love it. Adventure and spontaneity is my favorite and that's why I love Jesus so much, because he is a spontaneous adventure!

Going Green!

4 Response to "spontaneous adventure."

  1. Amie Says:

    Gahh! Luv it!! ...and our Spontaneous Adventure!!! Thanks for sharing Kenzie.

  2. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Thanks, Kenzie! I'm so glad your church is benefiting from the way you are using your gifts. Thanks for sharing how God gave you courage.

  3. Rebekah Neely Says:

    Woohoo for spontaneous adventure!! That is a great point you make when you write that authority is in Christ and not ourselves. Oh may I be reminded of that one! ;O) Look forward to reading more Kenzie!

  4. Kenzie Says:

    Thanks fellow authoresses, haha.

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