amie's october

So, it's been two months since my last posts, and wohoo am I glad to back! A lot has happened since the end of August. I'm sure you could agree that the life of a single lady can be crazy at times! But truly adventurous with God... He's just so audacious in loving us!

Here's a recap of my October:

At the beginning of the month, I started a 90-day Bible Reading Plan and was even featured as a guest blogger on Bryan Mowrey's blog. I'm now at Day 26 (even squeezed in 2 Kings on Saturday as it was accidentally left out of the plan) and it's been challenging, eye-opening, exciting, humbling, and absolutely amazing! This is the first time I've ever read the Bible from beginning to end... observing God through every page, one account after another, has made me want Him so much closer. The wonderful thing of it all is that I've been assured again and again that my growing desire for Him is the direct result of His steadfast desire for us.

During the second weekend of this month, my church had our annual women's gathering and I was invited to speak for 20 minutes on singleness. The theme of the weekend was Women of Freedom. Tell ya what, I poured out my life as much as I could within those 20 minutes! Particularly on why I've found it's important to have God as #1 above all else. If you'd like to give it a listen, you can get the audio here.

Then the weekend before this last one, I started housesitting for a couple friends of mine. They come back home today which puts an end to my 10-day vacation at their abode (which is really like a mini-mansion and the closest thing I'll get to a cabin, being a city dweller and all). Just for the record: housesitting has to be one of the best perks while living single.

These last 10-days have been significant, to say the least. I've had a lot of quiet time to think on life, wait on God, and pray into the promises He's given. It's in these types of concentrated moments that I discover more of who I am because God is so good to help me discover more of who He is. These moments are the kind that linger with me throughout the months and the very reason why I find I'm able to face 'tomorrow' with an increasing joy.

Not surprisingly, one of the things I asked God about was my husband-to-be (somewhere out there). I've learned not to be so fearful in asking Him about... him. In return, God plopped a couple more of His desires into this heart of mine.

However, until Mr. Husband appears, I was encouraged to continue helping a couple of my married friends (by kid-sitting for them on a consistent basis) have what I desire to have someday: date nights for a healthy marriage.

Going green!
Amie Fox

1 Response to "amie's october"

  1. Martha Melody Says:

    I agree whole-heartedly, house-sitting rocks :)

    Great post, Amie!I really liked where you stated how you discover more of yourself simply because God shows you more of who He is..we truly become the most alive when we forget ourselves and get wrapped up in Him! Thanks for the encouraging truths! Xo

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