my SECRET TO PASSION at any age

I bet I've got ya' interested already, eh?! Well, enjoy this little story:

So I was serving tables the other day (like I do most days), when down sat a party of old ladies. I patiently started taking drink orders amidst the hearing aids and obscure questions, and by the time I made my way around the table, the woman in the final seat asked me for an iced tea. Not unusual.

At this point I gave her the tea choices (as we have more than one tea), but all of a sudden to my surprise, there came an unexpected & witty reply: "Oh honey, give me the Tropical Passion Iced Tea (the house tea)... because at my age, I could use a little passion!"

HAH! Go ahead & laugh a little bit! Ok, now that you've got your giggles out, let us continue...

I smiled with a twinkle in my eye and before I could make reply, she immediately continued: "Now, I know that's hard for you to imagine at your age sweetie... but believe me, when you get to where I'm at (85 or so), you need every bit of passion you can get... and this tea is just what I need today!" I smiled, and responded somehow (I forget)... but here's what I thought as I walked away:

"Nope, not hard for me to imagine. Trust me. I've lived for long periods of time without it (passion in my soul that is), and I'm just a wee whipper-snapper of 25." Perhaps, just perhaps... our definitions of passion are different.

My life experience thus far has told me that passion clearly has NOTHING to do with age, or physical fitness, or intimate relationships with the opposite sex, or the amount of $$ I have, or where I live, or what my hobbies are. Nope. It is true for me to say that, in my own life, these things can, and do indeed, stir my passion, but they WILL NEVER, EVER provide the SOURCE for the eternal passion in my soul.

By God's lavish grace, I have learned this much by the ripe-old-age of 25: that passion in my life has EVERYTHING to do rather, with Jesus Christ and His robust love for me--His resulting death on the cross (John 19:16-30) and His miraculous resurrection from the dead (see John 20 & 21). If my passion in life isn't rooted in what Christ has done for me on the cross, it is eternally destined to fail... and I've found it usually does so sooner than later.

Because of Jesus love in my life, I ask, hope and anticipate to have such a passion as great as His (John 15:12-15). And as a matter of fact, while I grow in knowing Christ throughout my time here on earth, I only expect my passion for living to INCREASE. Ask me how I'm doing when I'm 85.

Until then... going green!
blogger bek

2 Response to "my SECRET TO PASSION at any age"

  1. Amie Says:

    haha... i will never look at tropical passion iced tea the same again! ...or old women who drink iced tea.

    robust. such a good adjective.

    let's toast this New Year's to being passion-packed at 85! haha... i'm serious! ;) hahaha.

  2. The Harts Says:

    Great Article!!

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