"He surrounds me with His FAVOR as a SHIELD.."

Hello Lady friends!

I am actually writing this post a few weeks early, as the week that I am due to blog, I will be arriving in Cape Town, South Africa! I'm spending a semester studying there, and thus will be quite busy that week, and I'm not sure if I would have internet access right away!

As I've been preparing for this trip, I've been feeling quite alot of emotions. Excitement, of course, but also fear, anxiety, and worry. There are a lot of unknowns. One night a few weeks ago, I was really having a tough time, and sat down to read some Psalms. Whenever you are feeling all over the place in terms of emotions, the psalms are a great place to hang out in. During times of my life when things seems uncertain, or I'm about to go through something new or difficult, or I'm feeling lonely, I've found that the psalmist can capture what I'm feeling, while also speaking truth and proclaiming the promises of God. I would encourage anyone who is in a turbulent stage of life or feeling any strong emotions to really dig into the psalms, because I guarantee you will find truth that is strongly correlated to your situation.

SO, back to that one night. I came across Psalm 5: 11-12 (NIV): "But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them every sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as a shield."

What had I been feeling that night?

---Very exposed, unsteady, and unsure...:"Let all who take REFUGE in you be glad". I may feel that way, but I take refuge in God, thus I can be joyous about the future.

---Fearful of safety in a strange land, getting around town, traveling, lack of communication..:"Spread your protection over them, that those who love you may rejoice in you." God's got me, He's protecting me, He goes before me.

--Being alone, meeting new people, wanting to make friends and connections..:"You SURROUND them with your favor as a SHIELD".He will give me favor with those He brings into my life, His favor will protect me like a shield from loneliness, from the enemies attacks. He will keep me.

I'm so thankful that we serve a God who knows what we're feeling, created emotions thus understands them, and teaches us and encourages us in all things!

Going green!

2 Response to ""He surrounds me with His FAVOR as a SHIELD..""

  1. Cath K Says:

    Love this....such a powerful truth that we all need to be reminded of! Thanks for sharing:-) I can't wait to hear about all the adventures He takes you on while in SA!

  2. Unknown Says:

    Hope you're having a great time already, Martha! I am so glad you posted this. God is so good to acknowledge our hurt and speak comfort into it.

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