Ramblings of an Incomplete Idiot

Definition of Insanity:

The definition of insanity is changing nothing, but expecting different results….um…it would appear that I am insane!

Do you ever come back to the same place, (mentally, spiritually, physically), and say to yourself, “This time it is going to be different.”…No? Just me? Because I find myself continuously coming back to the same situation and proclaiming that this time around things are going to change.

But my problem….I don’t actually change anything, I just expect different results. When I write it down I realize just how crazy that sounds, but seriously, SERIOUSLY, why do we have to change in order for other things to change?...the sluggard in me does not deal well with the proactive approach to change.

Dang it! I just wish I could see the end result, the big picture…but that’s not what life looks like. We act, in faith, until one day we can see the beauty of all the details worked out. Like any ornate tapestry, its exquisite nature is only truly comprehended when we step back.

Let’s just say that as much as I want to see the bigger picture at all times, I am thankful that God sees the bigger picture, that He is at work in the details, that He is working together all things for the good of those who love Him, (Romans 8:28), and that one day we can step back with Him.

In the mean time…I guess I need to change…in faith…trusting that again, He sees the big picture. Until the day it is time to step back, it is my job to step out!

Going green!!!!

1 Response to "Ramblings of an Incomplete Idiot"

  1. Andrea Says:

    Do you ever come back to the same place, (mentally, spiritually, physically), and say to yourself, “This time it is going to be different.”

    The answer is YES! Thank you for this encouraging post...I'll take it as a swift kick in the pants!

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