Under Vows

Hey everyone! I am writing this entry from sunny Cape Town, South Africa! Two months ago God called me to this very very far away place, a desire He had put in as for a little girl. The last two months have had some very high highs and very low lows, and in it God is teaching me a lot.

A few weeks ago I was reading in my Bible and the word “vows” just kept popping out to me in the psalms, and I just had to ask God why this was..

- Psalm 76:11 says, “Make vows to the Lord your God and fulfill them…”
-Psalm 66: 13:” I will come to Your temple with burnt offerings and fulfill vows my lips promised to you…”
-Psalm 61:5: “For you have heard my vows, O God..”
- Psalm 56:12: “I am under vows to you, O God; I will present my thank offerings to you.”

As single women, lots of us have thought about the day when we make vows to our future husband, when we come under those vows and promise to fulfill them by loving, serving, and respecting our spouse. I loved Andrea’s post a few weeks ago about not missing our own wedding, and I think about what one must feel when entering a marriage. There is a desire and a joy about entering into that covenant, but I guess that theres also some curiosity and maybe a little apprehension about what their marriage will look like and what they will find in that season of life.

I began to think about “vows” that I’m currently under in my relationship with God. The main one that came to mind was my time here in South Africa. God set this time apart for me to be here, and I knew I had to go—I needed to fulfill this vow He had placed over me. He told me I would go, and I told Him I would obey. Desire and joy were present, but also fear of the unknown and leaving all I was familiar with. I’ve come to realize that God puts desires and giftings in all of us that He wants us to vow back to Him, to promise to fulfill. He wants to be under vows with us, to have that commitment, that intention, and to enter into those vows and see what He has for us in that. Like Andrea said, we don’t have to wait for an earthly wedding to be under vows. It’s given me a tremendous peace, awe, and intimacy as I’ve walked around the streets of Cape Town, just whispering to God that I am fulfilling vows to Him!

What are some vows in your life? What are promises, desires, and giftings God has put in you that maybe He wants you to utter into commitment back to Him, to come under vows to put those promises into action and see what adventure and intimacy He has in store for the two of you? If you aren’t certain, I’d encourage you to just ask Him-I’ve become convinced because of these scriptures that He is more than willing to show you!

Going green!

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