Building Bridges #2

Renee Going Green from Anna Miles on Vimeo.

Building Bridges #1

Kate Going Green from Anna Miles on Vimeo.

*sorry about the background noise!

Introduction to Building Bridges

Green Light intro from Anna Miles on Vimeo.

I'm Ok With Having a Martha-Like Heart

“As Jesus and His disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.” – Luke 10:38

Hello dearest ladies! It was so good to see you at Celebration Midwest, and go on our fun, soaking wet, rain excursion ;) I hope your summers have been going wonderfully! I’m just going to get straight to it, I have been thinking a lot about Martha lately and what she was like. So many times throughout my life I have heard people say things like, “learn to have a Mary heart in a Martha world”, or “I wish I was more like Mary instead of Martha”, or “I have such a Martha heart”. I have said all those things myself at one point or another. When I get stressed out over details I tell myself to stop being like Martha. When I try and plan too much and get bossy I tell myself to stop being like Martha. But recently I have been wondering at Martha’s bad rep. Lately it seems like God has flipped some kind of switch in my mind, and I’ve started wondering “Hey wait a second, what’s so wrong with Martha?!”

The very first thing we read about Martha is her hospitality. She opened her home to Jesus. Hospitality is such a tricky thing for me sometimes. I love opening my home, but then get stressed out over the details that shouldn’t really matter. Is it more important to have eight matching table settings for a dinner party, or have extra people come and fellowship? I struggle. This was the very thing Martha struggled with too, and the thing that gives her a bad rep in the list of Bible women. But to me this is the one thing I really appreciate about her! I can identify with her soooo much. What I love about it is Jesus reaction to her struggle, “you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed” (Luke 10:41). I know Jesus is talking about resting in Him here, but a part of me would like to think He is talking to her practically too. Maybe something along the lines of, “Martha, you are worried and upset about the table settings not matching, but only one thing is needed, enjoying fellowship with me.”

I think what I get frustrated about is, in Sunday school the story of Martha and her reputation tends to end there; her being scolded about being worried. But just one book over, in John chapter 11, Martha is brought into the story again. When the sisters find out that Jesus has come for Lazarus’s death, Martha is the first one to greet Him. “When Martha heard that Jesus was coming she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed home.” John 11:20. The very thing that Jesus had asked Martha to work on the last time they saw each other (loosing herself in Him) is the very thing she shows Him now by being the first one to go to Him. No one ever really mentions that part about her. No one ever talks about how she learned from her mistake and how Jesus forgave her. I love Jesus and Martha’s relationship; it makes me feel more hopeful about my relationship with Him. So I am totally ok with having a Martha-like heart now. :)

Going Green,

family, family, family

I've got family in from California & Florida ... and I will just say, living in STL I get my ocean-culture fix via my relatives, for sure! Makes me want to pack myself in their luggage, buy a surfboard and hit the oil-free beach with them when they return home (I can hear the Jaws theme song now! ... ha)

My gramps recently passed away, and my family (mom's side) is in town for his funeral on Saturday. I've had an extra dose of "the fam" this week as I've not only been hangin' with my dear, out-of-town relatives, but I've been house sitting for my Aunt (dad's side) here in the Lou as well. I've loved spending this time with family members who I don't often see. We grew up together as kids--it's been a blast reminiscing AND making new memories with them. Long story short, life has been as busy as an F5 tornado these past two weeks and I'm exhausted in the best way possible! So here's my short & sweet nugget of a post for this evening:

With all my family in town from out-of-town, I've been thinking a lot about how much I love them and how much I wish we lived closer to one another. Although we grew up together, there are so many things I don't know about who they are now as adults, and I'm finding that I so long for more time to get to know them better--the week is passing quickly and there's so much more to get to know!
When I think about The Church and God's Kingdom, I think about how my time with my Kingdom Family (The Church) is everlasting--praise Jesus!--and I think about why I value spending time with the church body outside of Sunday meetings. For me, life without time spent in community is not living, because living without relationships is completely fruitless. As I spend time getting to know others, I get to discover who they are, I get to know myself, and the best part is I get to know God (my Father) more and more!

There have been times in the past when I've almost pulled away from the church (the local family God has put me in), as I somehow thought I could live life better solo. And I'm thankful (and humbled at the same time) to say that God has graciously taught me THE JOY of spending time in relationship with Himself and as a result, with others.

Today I can say that I completely value Family and am incredibly thankful to God for the creation of it, all starting with Father-Son-Holy Spirit. I could never live without it! And that leads me to ask, how's your Family life these days?

Going Green,


Hey guys,

Sorry for the random posts and then deletes.God has been stirring my heart a lot lately about miscommunication, relational breakdown, and struggles that get worse because people just don’t talk.

I wanted to promote discussion about sex and get people talking for once, but I realize that the purpose of this blog is actually to just share where we are at in a hope to encourage others and honor God and recognize what He is doing in our lives.

So again, sorry if you found my previous posts unhelpful. If you did read them, as I wrote, those were just my irks, frustrations and personal experience with miscommunications between the sexes . Not anything more than ramblings of an incomplete idiot.

Well,what has God been teaching me? In the past few months, through a variety of channels, the topic of dating keeps coming up. Now personally, I am a twenty-five year old Christian woman who has not dated anyone for some time, but really I enjoy my singleness. Yes, I desire to me married and have a family, but I also LOVE LOVE LOVE all the opportunities I have because I am not dating someone.

That said, the topic of dating keeps coming up in conversation. The topic of sex and sexual sin and how that relates to singleness keeps coming up. One thing that I can’t wrap my mind around is in a healthy Christian marriage sex in some aspect or another could hypothetically be an everyday occurrence. As a single woman, I suppress and often don’t know what to do with my sexual desires….so how do these two worlds go together? How will I one day transition from one to the other? I really don’t know…

I don’t know why this topic is on my heart…but it has been really helpful to talk about it. I often wish it were a more prevalent conversation between the sexes and between my married and single friends. But sex is awkward to talk about…wish it wasn’t, but it often is. Why is dating awkward? Or full of pressure? Again, sometimes I just wish as guys and girls we could be open and honest with one another and hear each other for what we have to say. I would definitely appreciate the insight!

What I do know is God is good! And that He give wisdom in abundance to anyone who asks, (James). So that is what I will continue to do. Ask for wisdom and trust that I will find what I’m looking for in God’s timing not mine!

Going green people,

Have you ever been tried on?

Sorry for my temporary silence while I enjoyed Memorial Day with my family...I hope you enjoyed a day of of work, as well!

Recently, a friend shared something with me, and I found it very helpful. I was telling her about my latest “plight” (yes, you know, it’s Andrea here…37-crushes-at-once Andrea). Anyway, I was telling her, “There’s this guy…” and “Well, we spend a lot of time together but it’s hard to tell what he’s thinking…” and "I was just sure that he liked when he said..." etc, etc. You know the conversation. She said, “Maybe he’s just trying you on.” When she said it, I thought, "Ouch!" But the longer I thought, the more feasible it sounded.

Just like you or I might “try on” a scarf or a pair of shoes, a guy might try us on, too. "Is this girl a good match for me? Does she compliment me?" These are important questions that guys need answers to. “Liking” someone, and then doing something about it, is a big deal, especially when the concept of the rest-of-your-life-together is involved; hence why he might “try you on” first.

Looking back, I realize that I’ve been tried on more than once. You know, all the time you spend with this certain, special gravitate toward each other in group settings, you find yourself texting about...anything. You’re just sure that something is going to happen, and then when it doesn’t, you’re disappointed.

Don’t be disappointed! God’s timing is perfect…and no doubt you’ve learned a thing or two about yourself in the process. I know I did. I learned that I’m a little too flirty and whimsical…even fickle. I also tend to over-analyze everything. “What is he thinking now?” and “What did he mean when he said…?” These questions can keep you guessing for days, weeks, even months!

In the mean-time, keep your eyes on God, and don’t be disheartened. When it’s time, God will send the right man along to pick you up (not just try you on).

Going green!


P.S. I'm so excited to see many of you at Celebration Midwest!!!!!