family, family, family

I've got family in from California & Florida ... and I will just say, living in STL I get my ocean-culture fix via my relatives, for sure! Makes me want to pack myself in their luggage, buy a surfboard and hit the oil-free beach with them when they return home (I can hear the Jaws theme song now! ... ha)

My gramps recently passed away, and my family (mom's side) is in town for his funeral on Saturday. I've had an extra dose of "the fam" this week as I've not only been hangin' with my dear, out-of-town relatives, but I've been house sitting for my Aunt (dad's side) here in the Lou as well. I've loved spending this time with family members who I don't often see. We grew up together as kids--it's been a blast reminiscing AND making new memories with them. Long story short, life has been as busy as an F5 tornado these past two weeks and I'm exhausted in the best way possible! So here's my short & sweet nugget of a post for this evening:

With all my family in town from out-of-town, I've been thinking a lot about how much I love them and how much I wish we lived closer to one another. Although we grew up together, there are so many things I don't know about who they are now as adults, and I'm finding that I so long for more time to get to know them better--the week is passing quickly and there's so much more to get to know!
When I think about The Church and God's Kingdom, I think about how my time with my Kingdom Family (The Church) is everlasting--praise Jesus!--and I think about why I value spending time with the church body outside of Sunday meetings. For me, life without time spent in community is not living, because living without relationships is completely fruitless. As I spend time getting to know others, I get to discover who they are, I get to know myself, and the best part is I get to know God (my Father) more and more!

There have been times in the past when I've almost pulled away from the church (the local family God has put me in), as I somehow thought I could live life better solo. And I'm thankful (and humbled at the same time) to say that God has graciously taught me THE JOY of spending time in relationship with Himself and as a result, with others.

Today I can say that I completely value Family and am incredibly thankful to God for the creation of it, all starting with Father-Son-Holy Spirit. I could never live without it! And that leads me to ask, how's your Family life these days?

Going Green,

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