Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor...It’s one of the Ten Commandments, to Love Your Neighbor. “Great, I got it, I love myself, I love my neighbor, bing, bang, boom…let’s worry about more important commandments” In a nutshell, this is what my arrogant subconscious thinks…

Have you ever done or said something that you thought was funny but someone took it the wrong way? You really didn’t mean to be rude…it’s not your fault that she didn’t understand that you were being sarcastic or quoting a line from The Office. When I offend someone, my gut reaction is to defend myself.

The other day, God said, “Hey wait a second, Andrea. Do you ever get offended by anyone?” I said, “Well yes, but that guy is consistently a jerk. And that girl is totally annoying. And he cut me off in traffic. Of course I put him in his place, was short with her, and rode his butt the rest of the way down Rangeline. Do you expect me to just let people walk all over me, God?!” God gently (but unmistakably) revealed that I am living a double-standard life style. I am indignant that anyone would think that I am rude, but I get totally bent out of shape at Joplin traffic. I think that people are being sensitive when they are offended by me, but I think I am justified when I judge other people.

If I want to label myself as a follower of Christ (and I do!), my only option is to be more Christ-like. More patient. More loving. More compassionate. More aware of how my actions will affect others.

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."
-Galatians 5:14 (ESV)

Green – a color representation of new things, fresh things, being alive. I truly want to “go green” this week.

Going green!

1 Response to "Love Your Neighbor"

  1. Amie Says:

    ANDREA! You had me at "The Office" ...hahah. People here quote The Office like crazy.

    On another note, thanks for sharing what God's been speaking to you lately. I totally benefited from your post! xox

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