Faith, Hope and Love: Be Brave

Well, hello there! I'm going to start the way all my blogging colleagues have and introduce myself. My name is Samantha Bryan, but most people call me Sam. I've lived in St. Louis, Missouri for about 5 1/2 years and have been apart of Jubilee Church for that same amount of time. I love God with all my heart and I'm so, so grateful that he's put me in the Jubilee family. My time here has certainly been some of the best years of my life. In just a couple months, I'm going to turn 35, which I think gives me the distinction of being the oldest Green-Light writer!

I love music! I'm a musician - not professionally, but I play several instruments and love to sing. There's nearly always a song of some sort going through my head and I tend to hear music and rhythms all around me in everyday things: car horns honking, chairs squeaking, the tonal whine of the copier, people's footsteps and the cadence of their words. So I guess it's no wonder God often speaks to me through songs. This week, I'd like to share with you three songs that God has used to speak to me about faith, hope and love (talked about in 1 Corinthians 13:13.)

This first song bolsters my faith whenever I sing it to myself. It's something God reminded me of a few years ago and I felt like I heard him singing it to me when I was having a particularly hard time waiting for my husband and watching others around me find that happiness that I so badly wanted. Keep in mind that I'm 34 years old and have never had a boyfriend. Believe me when I say that there have been times that my faith has faltered. But thank Jesus that he remains faithful to his word and his promises even when I feel ready to throw them back in his face out of frustration and impatience - which really just boils down to a lack of faith and trust in him that he really will do what he says he'll do. That's exactly what this song reminds me of - God's faithfulness to fulfill his purposes in my life. His faithfulness stirs up my faith in him.

If you don't know me very well then the source of this song is probably going to make you scratch your head, but I'm OK with that. It's from the Disney movie "The Rescuers" - a childhood favorite of mine. I hope that God will use this to dissolve any unbelief you may have towards his ability to fulfill the promises he's given you in the same way that he continues to use it to do just that in me as well.

Be brave, little one
Make a wish for each sad, little tear
Hold your head up though no one is near
Someone's waiting for you

Don't cry, little one
Ther'll be a smile where a frown used to be
You'll be part of the love that you see
Someone's waiting for you

Always keep a little prayer in your pocket
And you're sure to see the light
Soon ther'll be joy and happiness
And your little world will be bright

Have faith, little one
'Til your hope and your wishes come true
You must try to be brave, little one
Someone's waiting to love you
I'd like to tag on here at the end that whenever God sings this to me, or I sing it to myself, I'm always quick to remember not only God's promise to me of a husband, but that I never have to wait to be loved. God's promise of his own love for me is enough of a driving factor to spur me on in faith! (But that's something I'll get into a little more in my last post of the week.)

Have faith, little one!

Going green,


4 Response to "Faith, Hope and Love: Be Brave"

  1. Abby Baker Says:

    Sam! First of all, thanks for posting a Disney song... I LOVE the classic Disney movies! Also, thanks for this encouragement! Such a good reminder... Can't wait to read your other posts! :)

  2. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    You know, I've never seen The Rescuers and now I want to, Sam! :) It's encouraging to read how God has spoken to you so specifically and personally to bolster your faith. I love him for doing that!

  3. Julie Says:

    Beautifully written and I am encouraged by your transparency and love for God. I agree with Lynn. I want to watch the movie! :)

  4. Samantha Says:

    Thanks for the encouragement, ladies!

    I recommend the movie! :) Bob Newhart & Eva Gabor do the voices of the main characters... good times.

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