tell it to my face

Last night I picked up my dad and step-mom from the airport. I've been staying out at their house for the last week, while they've been vacationing in the Florida Keys. (I know right? When can I go?!)

Conversation over dinner turned deep, and I had the opportunity to say some things to my dad's face that I never fully have. The heart of it all being, "Dad, I love you and respect you very much." In that moment, I realized how many times I had thought the words that I was sharing, but had never actually looked my father in the eye and said them . There have been many times even, when I have shared with someone else my feelings and thoughts about my dad and the example that he was to our family growing up; but yet, for one reason or another (and there are some) had not looked him in the eye and expressed to him just exactly how I felt.

To say the least, it was an intimate moment. And I realized how meaningful my words and the expression of my feelings were to the heart of my father. This was evidenced by the tears that were shed. One thing was obvious: my dad loves me very much, and my heart-felt words brought him deep joy.

I realize how often it is that I think things about God, and I share things I love about Him with others... but when it comes down to my own relationship with Him, I struggle to tell him face-to-face and heart-to-heart, "God, my Father, I love you and I respect you very much." It's not a wonder that sometimes I feel a lack of intimacy or feel my relationship with God is based on my works alone.

I ask God, "Why did You send Jesus on my behalf?" And I hear, "Because I love You" ...but I often don't take it to heart, and my response to His precious words is often indirect.

I felt a deep intimacy after directly sharing my heart with my dad the other night, because I saw how much it meant to him. I understand in a greater way how much I mean to him as his daughter, and I understand in greater way just how he feels about me.

I long for this sort of intimacy with my eternal Father. I'd like to tell Him, the God of Heaven and Earth who loves me with an everlasting love, just exactly how I feel. It's time to be direct.

Going Green,
blogger bek

1 Response to "tell it to my face"

  1. Abby Baker Says:

    These are some great thoughts, Bek! I find myself thinking like because God is God he just knows how I feel, which is true but it baffles me why I don't take the time to express it to Him... He's more than worthy of my time! Thanks for posting! this is a great reminder for me!

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