What is Man that You are Mindful?

I have a confession... I’m obsessed with the full moon. Every time I see it, I’m overwhelmed by it’s quiet and magnificent beauty. Before you start becoming concerned, don’t worry...I will not be blogging about werewolves in this post, despite their immense popularity in pop culture. ;) Instead I wanted to share a story about how this obsession started.

A few years ago, I was hanging out with some friends and I felt God prompting me to leave the group and go outside. So, I quietly slipped out onto a balcony where I was alone. For a while I was wondering why God had led me away from my friends to this empty balcony, and then I looked up and saw the fullest moon I have ever laid eyes on! I was overwhelmed. Immediately, Psalm 8:3-5 came to my mind...

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,

and the son of man that you care for him?

Yet you have made him a little lower than the heavenly beings

and crowned him with glory and honor.

While staring up at that magnificent full moon, I prayed this Psalm back to God and He simply whispered to me, “I love you more.” I couldn’t help but gaze up at that moon in awe. I was left speechless thinking about how amazing it is that God who created the glorious moon in such a special and marvelous way loves ME! He loves me enough to send His ONLY son to die on that cross and bear the weight of all of my sins, so I can live a guilt-free and purposeful life here on this earth. He even loves me more than His glorious creations like the sun, moon and stars! What?! That was just too much for me to handle.

It’s been 2 years since I had this experience with my Father. Yes! I have forgotten about this awesome experience since then and I have even had some discouraging times. Still, God is so gracious to give me a reminder like the moon because every time I see it, I am overwhelmed. Each time, I remember just how much He loves me and just how undeserving I am of that love. Wow God, you’re so good!

I hope that you’re encouraged dear sisters and that you remember and are overwhelmed daily with just how much our Father loves us! Maybe you’ll even remember the depth of His love the next time you’re looking at a full moon. Who knows! :)

Going green,


1 Response to "What is Man that You are Mindful?"

  1. Rebekah Neely Says:

    so good Abby.... the next time i see a full moon i'm going to think about God's love, and this green-light post :O)

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