With polygamy not being an option...

How many have I crushed on? Let me count the names.

Who here knows what I’m talking about? Sometimes I think I’m the only one, but I know I’m not. I’ve talked to too many of you and know I’m not alone. I know how us girls think.

It’s a common thing for girls to ask each other “what’s going on with that one guy?” or “what are you thinking as far as guys right now?” It’s an answer that I am always all the more ready and eager to give, to talk about, to giggle about.

But it profits me nothing! There are so many good guys in my life. I know we’re all in different stations and seasons, at different ages, in different parts of the country (or world!) but this applies, so stay with me! : ) Maybe there aren’t the awesome guys that I’m about to describe in your peripherals right now, but hang on, because they’re out there and they’re worth waiting for!

So I was saying: There are so many good guys around me. There are friends I’ve stayed in touch with from college, guys I go to church with, guys friends introduce me too – they are good! They are impressive. They are responsible and kind and courteous and helpful. I thank God for brothers like this!

With so many of them out there and polygamy not being an option, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t get to marry them all. So, instead of crushing on every single nice guy, I’m trying out some advice I received at a time I wasn’t willing to receive it…but it stuck in the back of my mind and now I’m sharing it with you. A wise friend told me to, “treat every guy you meet as your brother.” What good advice! I experience less anxiety and less self consciousness when I think of guys this way. I’m also less apt to have flirty, regret-it-later interactions with them if I treat them like a brother. In place of awkwardness is natural get-to-know-you interaction…which is good since I don’t want to marry a stranger anyway!

I used to look around and say, “Well, this is the best guy I’ve ever met. I guess I should go for this one?” No way! I’m confident that whether I’ve met this guy yet or not, everything will fall into place in perfect time. And he’ll be the one after me, not the other way around.

Going green!


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