I will possess your heart...

Who here likes Death Cab for Cutie? (me!)

This song is one that I've heard 100 times, but I hadn't ever thought anything about it (it's not even my favorite on the album) until a dear friend mentioned how it had spoken to her this past summer.

You gotta spend some time, love. You gotta spend some time with me.
I know that you'll find, love, I will possess your heart.

After being drawn in by the amazing instrumental intro, she felt like Jesus was speaking to her. "Spend some time with me and I'll possess your heart. How do you expect me to do that if you're not spending time with me?" She told me this several months ago, but I just listened to the song again, today. I felt like it it was revolutionary for me, this time. I hope she reads this post! [Sidenote, sisters: We encourage one another! If you think something might be profitable, let it out; for a long time, I kept things to myself!] There is no one I want to possess my heart more than Jesus. I want to continually give Him my heart, granting Him total access. I must spend time with Him for this to happen. It's simple, really. Why do I make it so hard, sometimes?

I encourage you, if this speaks to you on some level, not to worry, feel guilt, or try to make a late-New-Year's resolution. Just be quiet and ask what God has for you. Ask for focus and be quiet long enough to hear His response. Our Lord longs to possess our hearts, but He is a genteman; He doesn't take it by force. Let's encourage eachother. Encourage a friend to be open with God. And please feel free to ask me to encourage you. : )

Going green,

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