Songs in the Night

Throughout my life God has taught me lots of things through dreams. He has encouraged me, delighted me, warned me, and challenged me through different dreams that He has given. I’ve always longed for God to use dreams to speak to me--like He did with so many of my Old Testament heroes, and every time I dream I feel that prayer being answered.

Amy Carmichael writes:
“He gives to His beloved in sleep,
For when the spirit drifts from fields of time,
And wanders free in worlds remote, sublime,
It meets Him there…”

This is a story from my dream life with my Heavenly Husbandman (like Amy likes to call Him). Earlier this week I had a particularly beautiful dream. I would like to share it with you.

I dreamed I was on a beach staring at a beautiful ocean in front of me. The sun was shining brilliant colors, and the water reflected it. I waded into the waves as they lapped against the shore, until I was far enough out to dive under the water. Once under the water I opened my eyes; the salt had no stinging effect, and I could see crystal clear. There dancing upon the ocean floor were many beautiful and brilliant fairies—each were their own color, and glistened delightfully in the water and the reflections of the flickering sunlight. They flitted and danced around the ocean floor. Although this was beautiful and amazing, the most glorious part of the dream was what I heard. As I stared at the fairies under the water, I began to hear a beautifully haunting melody being sung. The waves were singing to me. It was unlike anything I have ever heard—the most beautiful, longing, and eternal sounding song. It was a song of Homecoming, a song of Heaven, a song of eternity.

I haven’t been able to get those images of the dream or the sound of that song out of my head all week, and even now my description lacks. As I reflected on it tonight, I thought about these two verses:

“The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." – Zephaniah 3:17

“...God my Maker, who gives songs in the night.” –Job 35:10

Oh sisters, our Heavenly Husbandman is the Author of Beauty, and gives to us songs in the night. He speaks His tenderness over us, and gives us beautiful things that reflect Himself. He sings to us. These beauties woo our hearts to long for something deeper. He is wooing us to come away with Him, and preparing us for our Homecoming. These are our songs of Home, and I want to keep listening.

Going green,


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