i carry your heart with me

Ladies, here's the last post for my week--written by a dear friend. She's also single, and quite a woman! Be encouraged:

Introductions are the best way to start, hello my name is Ginger Price; I am the embodiment of my name—spicey and full of life. Ten years ago at the age of 26, God brought me to St. Louis to be a part of Jubilee Church.

When I packed my car to move, a set of expectations about God’s plans came with me. It has been tempting to lament about the dreams that haven’t come to pass. Doing that would reflect the focus back on me as they were my wants and desires. This is not right thinking; I am here to serve Jesus and a purpose that goes beyond me. My actions and choices count for generations of people to come.

God has shown me that when I give my whole heart to Him (which if I’m honest it is on loan from Him to begin with) I will not be disappointed. He promises that He will give us the desires of our heart; for me this has involved reshaping those desires.

I would not trade the last decade for anything—it’s not been easy—and thankfully He didn’t give me what I wanted. He has changed my thinking and the vision I have for my life. He has not let me wander from Him, He has continually renewed my heart and removed hard places and through the process continues to write my story into His wonderful plan.

I have seen many friends that have wandered from Him because they were discouraged or wanted their own desires and for this I am sad, but I am here to say that God will not disappoint, if you set your heart on Him and you will be satisfied.

ee cummings is one of my favorite poets and recently I read a portion of i carry your heart with me that is a picture of how our hearts become one with His. I’ve included the last stanza. I love it, but the last lines are the ones that I think are beautiful.

i carry your heart with me

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

You can read the rest of the poem here, http://tinyurl.com/3b5psh.

When God gave me a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26); I made the choice to lay down my desires, hopes and dreams and take on His vision, His grace and His compassion
that is when I become fulfilled. I look forward to hearing the stories of how you’ve carried His heart for the Kingdom.

Going Green,
Ginger Price, also known as The Ging

2 Response to "i carry your heart with me"

  1. AnnaBellaLee Says:

    Wow that was really good! I am very encouraged right now. Give my thanks to Ginger please Amie! Man I love that, "God won't disappoint!" It's so true and good. It's an excellent reminder!

  2. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Beautiful, Ginger! Just like you. :) I love ee cummings, too. Thanks for sharing your life and your testimony!

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