In the Quiet

Hi everyone!
My name is Anna Lee Miles. I like my name a lot. It means "graceful poet." Most people call me Anna, but I really like being called Anna Lee. I think it is very feminine and pretty, and it makes me feel like a southern belle or country girl with pig tails.

Other things you should know about me...I am 19 and lovin it! I'm attending Missouri Western in St. Joseph, MO. God is definitely stretching me, and, surprisingly enough, I like becoming more flexible in Him! It feels good to have a nice stretch and to have faith for "flips" and "somersaults" that I could never do before. With God the flips are fabuloso! Anyway, enough analogies about flexiblisms and flipisms.

Once upon a time when I had not spent any alone time with God...I got stressed to the max! Then one night I couldn't stand the weight of my own self-reliance any longer! So, I went for a run. As I approached the pond at the back of our property I cried out to God. He, in His infinite faithfulness, answered me. He whispered to me, "Look around you Anna." The back yard was a riot of golden light coming from thousands of lightening bugs. Then He said, "Anna, look up!" What I saw that night was a sky with no moon, yet it was completely dazzling. I was surrounded by a silver and gold tableau, and God said, "Anna I am here. This picture is for you and Me to enjoy together. I love you so much that I would bring out the stars just for you my daughter." As soon as I heard His gentle voice the weights were lifted, and security and peace filled my being. Since that night God has continued to romance me in my quiet time. Because of the quiet times God has provided for me I am convinced that He has enabled me to glorify Him more.
The points of my story are:

  • God is faithful to speak when we cry out to Him

  • God knows how to get our attention and love on us better than anyone

  • The king of kings loves to be near us

  • He is the only one on Earth who can bring us peace and security, and that often comes through alone time with Him

  • When we spend time alone with Him, we open up opportunities for Him to make us beautiful women by opening our ears to hear Him speak

  • And most importantly!!! When we spend time alone with God we become more like Him

I would like to end this post with a Psalm! Psalm 91:1,4(NIV) says "1He who dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the Almighty...4He will cover you with His feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

I hope this encourages you to spend alone time with God! Going green,
Anna Lee

4 Response to "In the Quiet"

  1. Rachel Mowrey Says:

    Oh very lovely Anna Lee! Beautiful, just like you.

  2. Amie Says:

    haha... flexibilisms and flipisms... oh Anna, you bring a special joy to my life!

    thanks for posting! as Rach said, very lovely Anna[Bella] Lee! beautiful, just like you.

    definitely encouraged over here :)

  3. Andrea Says:

    Anna, what an encouragement, and awesome reminder this was.

    I hope I can get to know you better in the days to come!

    Thank you! : )

  4. AnnaBellaLee Says:

    Thanks so much for the encouraging feedback ladies! And Andrea I really hope I get to know you better to! I don't actually think I've met you before:( But hopefully soon!

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