One of the things I enjoy about living in the city is parallel parking. Call me crazy, but the feeling I get from a smooth, tight-packed parallel parking job is quite... unparalleled, haha. Last night I had one of those moments and thought, it's the little things. What is it about those little things that are so enjoyable? ...and so frustrating at times? (like when I have to re-do a parking job, for the trillionth time) ...and embarrassing? (like when I backed up into a tree, while all my friends were in the car)
In living single, I've definitely had moments that are like that: enjoyable, frustrating, and embarrassing.
Over this last year though, my understanding of singleness has totally shifted. If you've found yourself in the "enjoyable, frustrating, and embarrassing" roller-coaster of singleness, I hope that you are able to find encouragement in something God has encouraged me with:
Going green!
Amie Fox
In living single, I've definitely had moments that are like that: enjoyable, frustrating, and embarrassing.
Over this last year though, my understanding of singleness has totally shifted. If you've found yourself in the "enjoyable, frustrating, and embarrassing" roller-coaster of singleness, I hope that you are able to find encouragement in something God has encouraged me with:
"Living unreservedly for Christ during your single years is one of the little things that I enjoy."
Going green!
Amie Fox
October 31, 2009 at 1:21 PM
The more I get to know myself, the more I realize how I relish in "the little things." They are what make life rich! And I find this aspect of God, that he is truly an artist, interested in the minutia of EVERYTHING, completely inspiring!
November 1, 2009 at 10:57 PM
...ah, I agree! He's just soooo gooood!!!
November 2, 2009 at 2:13 PM
I am so glad God notices the little things! Thanks for the reminder, Amie!