My girl, part two

So why is it that this song resonates with me? Being an Resident Assistant at my university for the last year and a half, I've just seen countless girls who, every time I hear this song. still come to mind. I think it captures the essence of how every woman starts--a precious, little girl--and also sadly, portrays how so many things try to attack femininity. We all as women can relate to the countless things that want to demand our attention--and some are very, very detrimental. I could talk for forever on that subject, so to spare you that, I think I'm going to just highlight some lines that stick out to me.

"..Longing for a father to call her girl, I know this love that you're chasing"

I don't know about you, but I've chased things that I thought would bring me love that has let me down countless times. Instead of finding my satisfaction in Christ, I would look to other things, like guys. What comes in place is a striving to meet these standards, trying to be good enough, trying to give my love, and ending up feeling empty. Jeremiah 2:25 (NIV) says: 'Do not run until your feet are bare, and your throat is dry. But you said, 'It's no use! I love foreign gods, and I must go after them'". God's basically saying we will wear ourselves out with chasing after anything but Him, yet we do anyways. When we're faced with standards to meet and feel we must give ourselves to anything other than God, striving sets in.

"..Still she knows there's more.I know she knows there's more because there is a voice she can't ignore.."
I think at some point, all of us girls have felt exhausted in trying to meet standards either set by ourselves or what the world expects of us. I think at some level, we've all thought that this wasn't what we were meant for. I'm reminded of Hosea 2:6-7 (NIV): Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. She will chase after lovers but not catch them;" Our God is jealous for us, and He will not give us up, even if we get frustrated!

***To be continued...***

Going green!

1 Response to "My girl, part two"

  1. Amie Says:

    I appreciated your insight on striving mi hermana... in connection to Jeremiah 2:25. That's the first time I've heard it put that way. Thank you for sharing. xox

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