Ramblings of an Incomplete Idiot

Hey chicas, it’s about that time again for another installment of ramblings from this here contributor. Again, my name is Cathy, I currently live in Chicago, I’m 25 years old…and this week I really want to talk about confession. Why? Because recently my Bible study was going through the Book of James and was convicted by the verse, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” (NIV James 5:16)

But before I get to confession I wanted to praise Jesus…why, because I love Jesus and also feel convicted that my first instinct and reaction to all circumstances should be praise. Our God is good. He is always good! As Paul write to the church in Philippi, “rejoice in the Lord always! And again I say REJOICE!” (NIV Philippians 4:4)

Therefore, from my heart of hearts I pray: Thanks you Jesus! Thank you for this day that you give me. Thank you that you are sovereign. Thank you that you are working all things out for your good. Thank you that you are all-knowing and I don’t have to be. I praise you Lord that you are good and have mercy and grace even for me. I praise you because you are worth of praise. And of honor. And of shouts of thanksgiving. You are the Lord of lords and the King of kings and I praise you because of who you are! AMEN!

Have a great day ladies…and I pray that in whatever circumstance you find yourself in you can still praise Him who is worthy of all our praises.

Going green!

1 Response to "Ramblings of an Incomplete Idiot"

  1. Amie Says:

    thank you cath... that philippians 4:4 verse was camping out with me this morning.

    i agree; our God is sooo good!

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