Sleeping in the Garden

Hi ladies! I don’t know how many of you are enduring finals week, but I know that if you’re like me it can be a really crazy week! So here is some encouragement to help get us through the rest of the week, and into glorious Christmas break!

• “With your help I can advance against a troop, with my God I can scale a wall.” – Psalm 18: 29
With our God we can scale a wall! Finals will not control us!

Ok moving on…..

This past weekend I went to a wedding; it was absolutely beautiful. There was snowy white decorations, and whimsical music. But one thing that the pastor said during the service stuck with me most of all. He was talking about Adam and Eve, and how when God made Eve He kept Adam sleeping until He brought Eve to him. I thought that was such good wisdom and encouragement for us! Our prayer should be that God keeps are future men asleep, until He brings us to them. That’s another key thing; God is the one that brings us to them. We should not have to search, or plan. In perfect timing God will bring us to our Adam, just like he did with so many of our Bedouin heroines of the Bible. God brought Eve to Adam, Ruth to Boaz, Rebekah to Isaac, and Rachel to Jacob.

Well that’s all for now. I can’t wait to see all you beautiful women at Mobilise!

Going Green!

2 Response to "Sleeping in the Garden"

  1. Andrea Says:

    "God brought Eve to Adam, Ruth to Boaz, Rebekah to Isaac, and Rachel to Jacob."

    This is such an encouraging reminder. It's a relief that we don't have to plan our own lives...we wouldn't do a very good job!

    Also, hurray Mobilise!

  2. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    I love this, Missy! You are so helpful to me.

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