Wishing You Grey Geese

A few weeks ago I was driving to campus for my 9am Writing & Research class. It was pretty early still, and I wasn’t fully chipper just yet. I pulled into the parking lot, and stopped in my usual spot (30 miles away from the English building). It had just snowed the night before and I was thinking to myself how beautiful it made campus look. I went through my day; nothing special or extraordinary. I went to work, I ate lunch, and I did homework. 5pm finally rolled around and I bounded out of the office and begun the grand trek through the wilderness back to my car. I hadn’t really been paying much attention to what was around me as I walked to my car, but as I neared it I looked at the open field that was behind the parking lot. I had to stop and stare at the beauty I saw. The field was covered in a soft blanket of snow and dotted like wild flowers was a gathering of grey snow geese. I was amazed. Their grey downy feathers against the stark white snow looked like luxurious cashmere. It literally caught my breath! I drove home praising and thanking God for such a special gift.

Needless to say, I pondered that picture over and over for the next several days. I just knew there had to be some vast, profound, eternal meaning, or some piece of wisdom that God wanted to show to me through those geese. But after thinking about it, and trust me I’ve thought about it a lot, I’ve come to the conclusion that sometimes God just likes to sneak up on us. Putting the geese there for me to see was simply His way of showing me beauty. Our King is truly the author of romance! He knows all the little things that make our heart flutter, and He loves to place those things in our day when we would least expect it. I don’t know about you, but I sure do love it!

Going Green!

1 Response to "Wishing You Grey Geese"

  1. Amie Says:

    oh i absolutely love His sneaky ways!!! ...those are definitely some of the best moments for me.

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