Embracing the Oak Tree, pt. 1

Hello again! I'd like to introduce my 2nd guest blogger in the week. This lady has taken a special place in my life. She regularly serves Jubilee in worship leading, and she has encouraged\challenged\ and listened to me as the ups and downs of living in another country had me all over the place!


Hi, I’m Catherine, a 25 year old Zimbabwean, living in Cape Town. I have had the privilege of getting to know lovely Martha Lee during her time here in Cape Town, and here I am sharing with you ladies from the other side of the world!

I’d love to share with you part of a season I’ve gone through this year. As long as I can remember, I have had ideas of how my life would turn out – the career I would end up in, the house I would live in, the man I would marry, the children I would have, the exploits I would do for God, then to add to the ideas or dreams, are prophetic words I have had over my life that have led me to believe certain things would happen in a certain way and in a certain time. Today, I don’t think one of these things have worked out the way I had envisaged. Were these ideas and dreams wrong? Or were they right, but God has got it wrong and disappointed me? I have seen that there have been many similar stories, feelings and questions amongst friends in my community, and the disappointment, disillusionment, offence and frustrated longing made me come to God to find His Truth about it all. I know that He is ALWAYS good, that He has plans to prosper us, not harm us, give us a future and a hope, that He always keeps His promises, and that He is a Father who gives good and perfect gifts. I asked God to show me what was going on, and this is what I felt Him show me.

I saw that He has planted in each one of us a seed, loaded with potential for life, fruitfulness, abundance. This is like the dreams, the promises, the prophetic words over our lives. Just as a seed is planted into the dark soil, out of sight, so with us, it often seems that after the dreams or words are spoken, they seem to “die” and we’re left wondering what that was all about. The glorious reality however, is that underground, the seed does die, so that germination can take place, and the life inside can be released and slowly push its way to the surface. We then get all excited, looking at little shoots poking through the soil, and think “I’m going to have an apple tree, JUST like hers” (looking at someone else’s life that has worked out the way you think yours should), or you think, “I KNOW this is a pear tree, I’m SURE of it – it’s what I’ve always wanted”. However, as the little shoot grows taller, gets some leaves, you compare it with the stages of the other apple or pear tree and think, “hang on, this isn’t right! What’s going on?” And so the process continues, with a looking, a longing, a frustrated, even jealous comparison with those around you, or the ideals you’ve held onto so tightly for so long. Unfortunately in this time, so much energy is spent in looking elsewhere, comparing and feeling disappointed, we fail to see what is emerging in our own hearts and lives. And here is the challenge….

(to be continued)

Going Green!


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