figure it out = no good (option 2, part 1)

Given the options, the 2nd one is looking more appealing at the moment--so I think I'll let my heart and finger tips run with that for the day:

"Sow a thought, reap an action.
...........................Sow an action, reap a habit.
.....................................................Sow a habit, reap a destiny."

I use to be really scared about a lot of the thoughts that would cross through my mind... and for a long time I had difficulty deciphering whether the thoughts in my mind were just passing through (invited/uninvited), surfacing from my heart or entering into my heart.

In the last 9 years that I've been following Christ, He's uprooted [and rooted] NUMEROUS thoughts in my life. I've noticed that many of the thoughts He's uprooted have been vine-like, starting from one major root--then sprouting and sprawling into other little roots; all continuing to grow until I'd let Him remove them.

Have you ever experienced God hands in your life like that?

The recent one He freed me from is one that I'm not sure what to call except figure it out. Now, I'm not saying that it's bad to desire knowing great and unsearchable things, because I've come to understand with experience that God GREATLY delights in us discovering more of Him through what/who He's created. This kind of figure it out that I'm referring to is one that's motivated by fear. A fear that when I stopped to listen, was saying things like... "If you don't figure it out, you'll be ...
  • unhelpful, unprepared, useless and unwanted.
  • a disappointment because you should have known better.
  • stupid because you didn't figure it out.
  • a bad friend because you should have seen it coming.
  • hurt from being taken off guard.
  • an embarrassment to others, and yourself.
  • in the way, an inconvenience.
  • a hindrance.
  • a failure.
And you'll miss out on life! You'll miss it. You'll miss all the good opportunities, all the important moments, all things you could have had. You'll miss your purpose. You'll miss out on what God has in store for you...

Scary huh? To top it, because I had believed those lies over the years--the ways of figure it out portrayed me as a "know it all" as well as controlling, disrespectful, patronizing, self-sufficient, unthankful, unwelcoming, and I'm sure a number of other things that I've yet to realize.

It's hard to pin-point when exactly I let figure it out enter my life, but I do know it was when I was a little girl--and I most DEFINITELY know that since I made the choice to believe that God is BIGGER than figure it out, Jesus has set me free!

If you don't already own it, here's a promise God gave me years ago that I know He desires to give you as well:

'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' -Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)

Going green!

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