let my YES be YES

Hello, hello from GREEN-LIGHT Revolution! Blogger Bek here excited to be writing to you again!

My full name is Rebekah Kruvand. I am 26 years old, single and rocking it in the lovely city of St. Louis, MO. Recently I've entered into a relationship with an awesome man-of-God named Dillon Neely. A brother and friend in the Lord for the last 1.5 years who has humbly asked permission to pursue me. I've embarked on a new chapter relationally speaking, yet I still consider myself SINGLE.... single because until I'm married ladies, I'm SINGLE in heart and commitment before the Lord. That being said, I'm super excited --> new chapter, new challenges, new joys found in the Lord. Currently I belong to Jubilee Church (STL city) whose community I could not live without. I find myself more thankful for the love of Christ shown through the body of believers at Jubilee, everyday.

This week I've been pondering Matthew 5:37, "Let your statement be 'yes' or 'no'; anything beyond these is of evil."

"Yes" or "no" ...I find them to be simple words to say, but words whose meanings have had profound impacts on my life. To "grant permission" or "to deny" ...that has been the question.

I've discovered (by the grace of God) that I'm really good at saying "yes" to things... yes to people, yes to tasks, yes to making commitments... and not so good at saying "no." Matter of fact, I've gotten SO good at saying "yes," that I've come to question whether "no" still exists in my spoken vocabulary!

This week especially, I've realized that I am completely over-committed. It's been quite humbling, as I've been failing in the commitments I've made (i.e. things I've said "yes" to). I've forgotten to call people when I've said I would, I've had to request extensions on projects I've said I would complete, I've had to apologize for not being places I've said I'd be. I've realized that my "yes" has lost it's meaning. My word has become no good, because it does not mean to others what it's meant to.

God has been gracious enough to convict me about the need for balance in my life, the need to be able to say "no" once in awhile. When I'm over committed, when I've allowed my "yes" to become meaningless, everyone suffers.

The beauty of it all, is that through this process, I've received grace from God in the midst of failure. I've come to acknowledge and admit that I've indeed failed (something I've not been comfortable with for a good part of my life). I've come to make apology for doing so. I've come to humble myself before the Lord... and ya' know what? It's been INCREDIBLY FREEING! It's WONDERFUL to know that God finds perfection in Jesus Christ, not Rebekah Kruvand.

Until next time, let my spoken word be what it's meant to be: let my YES be YES!

Going green!

blogger bek

1 Response to "let my YES be YES"

  1. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    SO good, Bek! I need to remember this, too. SO simple and clarifying...let your yes be yes and your no be no. I'll be thinking about this one and working out the application of it. Thanks for sharing!

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