Sheep are not the only things that need pens...

Oh Greenlight ladies, how I’ve missed you! So glad to all be back together in the blog world. :) For those who are new, I’m Missy. I’m a junior Literature major at MSSU in Joplin, and I work in the English and Philosophy department on campus. I love my job and the professors I work with. I’ve lived in this world for 21 years, have a HUGE imagination, and value deep true relationships with my brothers and sisters in Christ over anything.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what is real, and what isn’t real lately. Reality seems like such a blurry line sometimes.

Ok ladies, a moment of super real honesty… have you ever caught yourself having a conversation out loud with someone who is not actually there? The imagined conversation in my mind can seem so real, that I forget it’s not really happening. One time I was driving in my car, imaging a conversation I was having with someone. I imagined what they would say, and then what my response would be, and back and forth… etc. It became so real, that at one point I turned to the passenger seat and dramatically stated something out loud to them! That was the moment I knew I had gone crazy haha.

It is easy to recognize romantic thoughts as the catalyst for something make-believe. We are trained as women to take our romantic daydreams, or impure thoughts captive. But what about the anxious thoughts? Aren’t the worrisome and anxious thoughts make-believe as well? So often when I find myself going down that dreamy romantic path I quickly tell myself: “Whoa Missy, take every thought captive, including the one you are thinking right now.” But how come I don’t do this with negative worried thoughts too? Thoughts like: “What if this happened… or what if God doesn’t come through for me… or I should have a plan in case this happens…” Those are all thoughts that should be taken captive just as quickly as the romantic ones. Reality is not what might happen, or the conversation in my mind, or what I think the future will look like. Reality is what has already happened, and what is currently happening. A few days ago I sat down and made a list of what I knew to be truth, and what I knew to be lies. The end result all ciphered down to this: God is our Truth; He is our reality. The reality is that He laid in that grave for three days, but did not stay there. Reality is that He knows my needs before I even ask. Reality is that He will always, always, always come through for me.

“… we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” – 2 Corinthians 10:5.

A girlfriend I had in high school shared with me one time the mental picture she got every time she read this verse. She would picture herself surrounded by white fluffy thought bubbles resembling sheep. She would get out a rope and form it into a lasso, and then one by one lasso each fluffy white thought bubble until all were captured. Then she would herd each thought into a pen just like sheep. Her thoughts were literally captured. I think about that image every time I read that verse now. Worrisome fearful thoughts should have no more free rein in my heart or mind than out of control romantic or impure thoughts. So I’m getting them in that pen!

Going green,

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