Thanksgiving Week Reflections: God's Provision

It's me again! :D

I've been feeling so blessed this week. God is SO good and I'm thankful for His constant reminders of this!

On Thursday, I was struck by how amazing He is at providing! Typically, I tend to think about his provision in terms of finances but this week He showed me a different kind of provision. This Thanksgiving was only my second away from home. The first time I spent the holiday away from family was a slightly painful experience and I was the most homesick I've ever been. I was surrounded by amazing people but still, I longed for my family. As Thanksgiving approached this year, I started to dread what is normally one of my favorite holidays. I quickly realized that this was the wrong attitude and resolved to try to enjoy it. On Thursday I found myself genuinely happy and truthfully I enjoyed the day a lot. I realized that the reason it was such a great time was because I now have a family here in Joplin. I know they didn't come out of nowhere either, God provided me with them. Wow!

I remember a little saying from when I was little, "Where God guides, He provides." I'm amazed at the truth of this statement. Yes, God called me away from my family and the familiarity of home but He didn't just leave me high and dry, He provided me with another group of people to love and that love me back.

This little revelation about Him gave me more faith for the future too. I know that He doesn't call people to new things and places and let them figure out how to get there... He really does provide every step of the way and guides us daily.
Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus...
Going green,

2 Response to "Thanksgiving Week Reflections: God's Provision"

  1. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    Thanks for sharing, Abby! Finding new ways to define family and home are big challenges when you move away from where you've grown up. I'm sure other GLR readers and writers can totally identify with you, too. I say, Amen! God has been really kind to me in this area, too, and now I feel like I have many families in many places. I'm reminded of two Scriptures: "God sets the lonely in families," (Psalm 68:6) and "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life," (Matthew 19:29).

  2. Abby Baker Says:

    I love those verses Lynn! Thanks for sharing 'em! :D

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