Thanksgiving Week Reflections: Part 1

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, Ladies!

I hope you all enjoyed a day filled with food, good company, relaxation and thankfulness! :) As I promised a few days ago, this is the first of my posts about Thanksgiving. I look at the day as an amazing opportunity to check my attitude. The very reason why we celebrate this day is to “give thanks” and I can’t think of one person who deserves more of our thanks than Jesus Christ.

I don’t know about all of you but I need many reminders of God’s goodness. Some days I’ll be in a state of awe, thinking about Jesus’ sacrifice and then other days I’ll be consumed with some petty issue and not even thank Jesus once. This frustrates me so much! How can I forget such an incredible blessing so easily? While this frustrates me, it also makes me more aware of God’s grace. What an incredibly gracious God I serve! If I had a child who stated they loved me one day and then acted like I didn’t exist the next day, I would become severely irritated. (Thankfully, this is not how God is) He has so much love and grace for us that He continually reveals Himself to us, and lavishes His love upon us. Even when we fill our hearts and minds with distractions, He brings us back to Him and he doesn’t just do this once or twice in our life, He reminds us often in creative and wonderful ways.

It’s always the times that I’m filling my mind distractions that my attitude is in need of an adjustment. So that’s one of the reasons I love Thanksgiving, because it's a great reminder of God’s love towards me. It’s a day to reflect on everything that HE has given me and it’s always a great reminder for me to pour out my thanksgiving to Him! He is so worthy of all the "thanks" that I'm capable of giving. I'm thankful for Thanksgiving (hah, that sounds funny) because it's a needed reminder of how much God has blessed me and that He is worthy of all my praise!

Thanks Jesus for being so good!

Going green,


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