
Last post I discussed a change in our Christmas traditions in delving deeper into the Christmas story by looking into different perspectives.

A second Christmas change was reflecting over what we felt God has shown us in the past year.
In my reflecting over the past year, my first thoughts were over all the things I wished I would have done in my relationship with God. What I should have read, how much I should have prayed, people I should have ministered to, etc... all my so-called failures.

Then I actually thought about the question: "What has God been speaking to you over the last year?" It wasn't "What did you do for God this year?" Not "How good were you this year?" Nothing that reflected me. I was not the focus of the last year. God didn't send His Son to earth because I was good enough, pretty enough, did enough things right... He did it because He loves me. He loves me just as I am. That's what He's been teaching me. A while ago he gave me the verse Song of Songs 4:7 "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you."

It's so hard to remember that in this time of singleness when so many around me have gotten married or engaged or pregnant in 2011. It can be so easy to think "why not me? when's my turn? what's wrong with me?" The truth is that Nothing is wrong with me. God made me just the way I am for a purpose. I am worth it. I am worth waiting for. And Jesus loves me unconditionally. The Author of Love chooses to love me... just as I am, because he knows me inside and out. My so-called flaws... which don't really exist as defined by Songs 4:7.

I am loved by the King... and that makes 2011 and every year worth living.

Going green,

1 Response to "Reflections"

  1. Lynn Fleshman Says:

    You are loved, Jenny! What a great truth to take away from 2011 and stand on during 2012! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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