[ ] TRUTH : If you had the option of having the chicken or the egg, which would you choose?
[ ] DARE : I dare you to not be chicken!
p.p.s. (click here)
[ ] TRUTH : If you had the option of having the chicken or the egg, which would you choose?
[ ] DARE : I dare you to not be chicken!
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- one. exactly what Love's all about.
- silent night.. Love's pure light.. radiant..
- Love provided forgiveness; forgiveness provides love.
- only Love makes the impossible possible.
- Love's words? always captivating, never cliché.
- life only gets better with Love.
- every time.. Love continues to rule.
- i cross my heart and... Love.
- wanna know a secret? ask Love.
- only Love is patient without delay.
- Love is my great adventure. Hundredfold.
- Love? ...absolute. audacious. admirable. astounding. accepting.
- i somehow find that Love&i collide.
- it's a Love story... say yes.
- Got Love? ...does a body good.
- Love is a battlefield? try Hero.
- Love is a many splendored being.
- to Love, or not to Love?
- who told you Love is blind?
- fall in love? Love's not fallen.
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Oh my…two months have passed since my last post?! Time is flying! Thanksgiving is this week, and soon it will be Christmas. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I would like to say Thank You to all the single ladies, and also guest writers, for your words of encouragement, inspiration, wisdom, and truth. Thank you, Amie and Martha, for getting this wonderful Revolution off the ground! It is a joy to know all of you ladies and to read your posts. For those of you I haven’t met, I look forward to meeting you, one day!
For this post, I just want to share a Praise: I am feeling so much better. My last post, though optimistic (I think?) was heavily influenced by the way I was feeling…poopy (I’m running with the letter ‘p’ right now). I had been sick and wasn’t sleeping well, and I said so in my post. Soon after posting that particular blog, “WOE IS ME!” became my attitude and outlook as I stayed sick and maintained a horrible attitude. I had many wonderful ladies (and a few gentlemen) praying for me. Thank you very much! And thank God, I am no longer in that funk. He is teaching me things from my “suffering” (I hesitate to classify my problems as suffering) that will stick with me for life….If only I will remember! Our God is so faithful!
Resist him [Satan, our adversary], firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. – 1 Peter 5:9, ESV
As long as I’m using words that begin with the letter ‘p’…I have been reminded, in a big way, that I am Precious. I am Prized. You are, too! For now, I’d like to leave you with verses that I’ve found encouraging in the past weeks. I’m working out a post for Wednesday, so don’t go too far!!
Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. – Luke 12:7, ESV
Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:6-7, ESV
(How comforting – a man big enough to handle alllllll of our lady-problems!)
...in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. – Psalm 57:1, ESV
…for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy. – Psalm 63:7, ESV
He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. – Psalm 40:2-3, ESV
Until Wednesday...
Going Green!
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So why is it that this song resonates with me? Being an Resident Assistant at my university for the last year and a half, I've just seen countless girls who, every time I hear this song. still come to mind. I think it captures the essence of how every woman starts--a precious, little girl--and also sadly, portrays how so many things try to attack femininity. We all as women can relate to the countless things that want to demand our attention--and some are very, very detrimental. I could talk for forever on that subject, so to spare you that, I think I'm going to just highlight some lines that stick out to me.
"..Longing for a father to call her daughter...my girl, I know this love that you're chasing"
I don't know about you, but I've chased things that I thought would bring me love that has let me down countless times. Instead of finding my satisfaction in Christ, I would look to other things, like guys. What comes in place is a striving to meet these standards, trying to be good enough, trying to give my love, and ending up feeling empty. Jeremiah 2:25 (NIV) says: 'Do not run until your feet are bare, and your throat is dry. But you said, 'It's no use! I love foreign gods, and I must go after them'". God's basically saying we will wear ourselves out with chasing after anything but Him, yet we do anyways. When we're faced with standards to meet and feel we must give ourselves to anything other than God, striving sets in.
"..Still she knows there's more.I know she knows there's more because there is a voice she can't ignore.."
I think at some point, all of us girls have felt exhausted in trying to meet standards either set by ourselves or what the world expects of us. I think at some level, we've all thought that this wasn't what we were meant for. I'm reminded of Hosea 2:6-7 (NIV): Therefore I will block her path with thornbushes; I will wall her in so that she cannot find her way. She will chase after lovers but not catch them;" Our God is jealous for us, and He will not give us up, even if we get frustrated!
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Hello! I'm Samantha. I'm 33 years old and live in St. Louis. Do you know who Saul is? I really don't want to marry "Saul".
As a kid, all I wanted was to be was a wife and mother. I was convinced I'd be married by the time I was 18. I believed that right up to my 19th birthday. Optimistically, I thought marriage would come at 19. Then I turned 20. I wasn't holding onto this idea because guys were lined up and I couldn't choose. Far from it! Marriage was such a strong desire in my heart that I knew it HAD to happen. After all, it was happening for everyone else. I watched a long line of friends pair up with wonderful people and get married. Being single became even harder when I started babysitting the kids of people I once babysat.
I eventually had enough. Being married was all I wanted and everyone else seemed to be falling into it effortlessly while I just watched. Not anymore. I started thinking about how I could lure a man into a relationship. I started lowering my standards and begging God to fulfill this persistent craving that was consuming me.
The Bible has a story about Israel begging God for a king. Until that time, they'd been ruled by God, through judges and prophets - unlike any other nation - and it testified that God was their King. However, they looked at nations around them and saw tangible, human kings. They rejected God and asked for what everybody else had. God granted their request, but warned them that this king would be something they would regret. He (Saul) would make their children slaves and steal the best of their belongings. In the end, they would beg to be free from him. But despite all God's warnings, Israel wanted their king. (1 Samuel 8 - paraphrase)
Oh no!: this was what I was doing. I'd decided God's plan and timing were not good enough for me. I wanted what everyone else had and was willing to pester God until He "gave in". Thankfully, God helped me listen to His warning. He showed me that it wasn't about learning to wait, or learning to trust He had the best for me. It's actually about learning that HE is the best. He is everything I need and more than I can dream of. He satisfies all my deepest desires and loves me like no one else can.
I don't want Saul; I want God. And I trust that, as I follow Him, my relationships will be far from regrettable because they're His will and not mine.
Going Green!
Samantha Bryan
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Introductions are the best way to start, hello my name is Ginger Price; I am the embodiment of my name—spicey and full of life. Ten years ago at the age of 26, God brought me to St. Louis to be a part of Jubilee Church.
When I packed my car to move, a set of expectations about God’s plans came with me. It has been tempting to lament about the dreams that haven’t come to pass. Doing that would reflect the focus back on me as they were my wants and desires. This is not right thinking; I am here to serve Jesus and a purpose that goes beyond me. My actions and choices count for generations of people to come.
God has shown me that when I give my whole heart to Him (which if I’m honest it is on loan from Him to begin with) I will not be disappointed. He promises that He will give us the desires of our heart; for me this has involved reshaping those desires.
I would not trade the last decade for anything—it’s not been easy—and thankfully He didn’t give me what I wanted. He has changed my thinking and the vision I have for my life. He has not let me wander from Him, He has continually renewed my heart and removed hard places and through the process continues to write my story into His wonderful plan.
I have seen many friends that have wandered from Him because they were discouraged or wanted their own desires and for this I am sad, but I am here to say that God will not disappoint, if you set your heart on Him and you will be satisfied.
ee cummings is one of my favorite poets and recently I read a portion of i carry your heart with me that is a picture of how our hearts become one with His. I’ve included the last stanza. I love it, but the last lines are the ones that I think are beautiful.
i carry your heart with mehere is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
You can read the rest of the poem here, http://tinyurl.com/3b5psh.
When God gave me a new heart (Ezekiel 36:26); I made the choice to lay down my desires, hopes and dreams and take on His vision, His grace and His compassion—that is when I become fulfilled. I look forward to hearing the stories of how you’ve carried His heart for the Kingdom.Going Green,
Ginger Price, also known as The Ging
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